Chap. 3

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Chapter 3: Meets and Greets

Song of chapter: My Name Is - Eminem


Life is hectic in here. There's way too many people in this small abandoned-like building. Me and Liam have kind of a small friendship but it's building up. Anyways, Isaiah and I don't talk as much, well really not a all. But I have a little crush on him. There's supposed to be some kind of meeting today in the lounge.

" Hey Sean, do you want some breakfast? " Isaiah asked.

Oh how I love his voice, so deep yet soothing. Nice plump lips that I'm dying to kiss.

" What are we having? " I asked him.

" Uhm....bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles and some other stuff. " he said.

" thank you, I'm not really hungry right now. " I told him, which is partially true. You see I'm a wendigo and so is my sister Shana. Although I haven't seen her around lately. But I'm probably going to sneak out later on tonight anyways so that I can eat and maybe Shana will come with.

" Alright. Are you coming to the lounge? " he asked me.

" Yeah, I'll be there. " I replied with a smile. He smiled the most absolute gorgeous smile I've ever seen. I got out of my bed and walked to our dresser. I pulled out a plain white shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I grabbed my white and black teenis shoes and a pair of white socks. I stripped out of my pj's and put my clothes, socks and shoes on.

I walked into the lounge and spotted Isaiah and Liam right away. I went over to them and sat down in a black chair next to Isaiah.


Sean walked over to us and sat down in a black chair next to me. He was wearing a white shirt that defined his biceps and black skinny jeans making his butt look really cute. I wonder what our child care worker wanted us for this time. Breakfast this morning was ok I guess, I'm surprised Sean didn't want any. Mrs. Campbell, the child care worker, came in.

" Good morning. " she greeted.

" I had everyone gather here today for a meet and greet. What will happen is that each of you will partner with someone of your choice...You'll then ask one another questions, getting to know each other better. Does everyone understand? " she stated.

Everyone nodded or said yes as their answers. Sean partnered with me and Liam partnered with a girl named Renai.

" Would you like to ask first? " I asked him.

" you have any siblings? " he asked me.

" I did. I had a twin named Isacc. " I answered.

" Oh nice...I have a sister named Shana. " he told me.

" Hmm.... what's your favorite color, show, well anything? " I asked.

" My favorite color is purple, and my favorite show is called teen wolf. You? " he answered.

" Cool. My favorite color's are green and blue, and my favorite show is also teen wolf. " I stated. There's something about him that he's hiding, I can smell it.

" What are you? " I asked curiously. Hoping he'd tell me.

" I'll tell you if you tell me what you are first. " he said with a smirk.

" Ok...well I'm a wolf, a mixed breed. " I told him.

" Nice...well I'm a wendigo, hopefully you won't kill me. " he said with a worried look. Why does he look so worried?

" What's a wendigo? " I asked confused.

" I don't want to tell you really....but since you asked, a wendigo is a cannibal, basically we eat human flesh. " he answered honestly.

" Oh....well then I should be the one asking you not to kill me. " I said.

He smiled a cute, sweet smile. I couldn't help but to smile back. Hey as long as he doesn't kill me...or Liam then I'm fine. We sat in silence after that. Not really sure what to ask each other next.


We sat there not talking. I'm glad he's ok with me being what I am and not running away. I vow not to kill him or Liam because they're the first people to actually become my friend. When Isaiah told me he had a twin, I was surprised, I haven't really met anyone with a twin in here other than Renai and her sister Raven.

After about 10 minutes I decided to ask Isaiah about his brother.

" What was he like? " I asked him. I guess I caught him off gaurd because he looked at me with a puzzled face. I chuckled causing him to look even more confused than before.

" Your brother, what was he like? " I repeated. He made an -o- shape with his mouth. How adorable.

" Well... he was very caring...stood up for me when someone would make me mad. He was a peaceful guy, he didn't let anyone or anything phase him. Isacc was the best twin ever...and when he and my parents passed I felt empty. " he poured his heart out to me and I felt very sad. Because I at least had my sister still. He didn't have anyone to talk to...but I'm here for him. Same for Liam, I found out he didn't have anyone either and that he's a werewolf, beta, something like that.

" I'm sorry. " I told him.

" Don't be...I'm fine. I made some really good friends. When you and Liam arrived first I didn't want to give up my room... " he said with a light chuckle. " But I'm glad I did because ya'll are cool and I can relate to ya'll on a personnal level. " he continued.

I couldn't surpress the smile that kept creeping onto my lips.

" Ok everyone, now we're going outside to get some fresh air and when we come back in we'll have lunch. " Mrs. Campbell explained to us.

Isaiah and I stood up and walked towards the front door. Outside was nice. The sky was clear, the grass was cut, and the wind was a cool breeze. We walked beside each other looking for any sign of Liam.

We spotted Liam as he was walking towards us with a few other kids in toe. It was the twins and Shana.

" Hey guys, what's up? " Shana said.

" Nothing much. " Isaiah told her.

I noticed two other kids walking towards us. One was around 5'8, male with short blonde hair. He had fair skin. He was cute but nothing compares to Isaiah. He wore a white t-shirt, grey shorts, and black tennis shoes. The other one was a female, around 5'4 with long dark brown hair. She had light brown skin and she was wearing a purple blouse, black boot cut jeans, and balck combat boots.

" Hey, I'm Garret and this is my girlfriend Violet. " the blonde said.

" Hey, I'm Sean and this is Liam and Isaiah. " I said.

" Nice to meet ya'll. " Liam said.

We started talking and decided to make our own group.

" What should we call oursevles? " Renai asked.

" I don't know. " Violet replied. Raven, Isaiah, Shana, and I all shruged our shoulders.

" What about 'The Orphans'? It's true and represents us very well. " Garret stated.


Soooo.... what do ya'll think about my book so far. CLIFFHANGERRRR.......ooooooh. Lol vote, comment, and whatever else ya'll do. Stay sweet, neat, and complete. I love all my chipacckeno's.


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