Author's Note

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Hey everyone, sorry for it taking me forever to update. A lot has been going on and not in the best way at that either. First off, I'm in school (senior year), and I have essays to do for my college English class. Secondly, I have EXTREME writers block and can't find my spark. Hopefully it'll come back once season 6 of Teen Wolf comes back this month (Nov. 15th). Also I've been without decent internet connection both before and after hurricane Mathew hit us (Florida). So, for now I'm putting this book on hold, but only for now. I'll update as soon as I get my spark back. Thanks for sticking with me. Also, another thing, I'm trying to get a job and I'm in after school activities such as clubs and sports. I'm also writing other stories that have come to my mind. But once again, thank you and I hope you understand 😊👍❤👌

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