Chap. 6

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Chapter 6 Part 1: Lost
Song of Chapter: I Can't Find You- SolarSolar


" Issaaaiaahh.....Isaaiahhh....Isaiah..Isaaiaahh..Isaiah." I kept pushing his shoulders trying to wake him up but it was no use.

" I told y'all. He won't wake up no matter what I do." I told Sean and Liam.

" Well then what do we do?" Liam asked.

" I don't know." Sean and I said in unison.

Why won't he wake up? I thought to myself. Hopefully he'll wake up soon.


" Issaaaiaahh.....Isaaiahhh....Isaiah..Isaaiaahh..Isaiah." I keep hearing someone calling my name but it's like I can't move, like I can't wake up. They just keep pushing me and I want to tell them to stop but I can't find my voice in order to do so.

" Isaiah! " I hear someone yell at me. After a few seconds of silence, I'm finally able to open my eyes to a blinding light. I'm guessing the blinds are open.

" Finally. Man I've been calling your name and shoving at your shoulders for the longest."  Garrett tells me.

" How long have I been asleep? " I asked. Confusion written all over my face.

" A week and 3 days" Sean answers this time.

" Wow. I've been asleep for that long? " I say surprised.

They all nod at me as reality sets in. So everything between me and Sean never really happened...well that's a bummer. OK then...that was weird.

" I'm ok now....and awake." I told them.  Sean looked at me a bit confused. He was whispering something to the guys... I couldn't make out what they were saying though. Well, one because their backs were turned towards me, and two I don't know how to control my transformation.

Liam and Garrett then left and Sean started making his way over to me. He sat on my bed and it looked as if he was going to say something,  but then shut his mouth.

" That was weird man. " He said with a worried expression.

" What was weird?" I asked.

" How long you slept dude. It was as if you were paralyzed; like you were dead." He informed me.

I didn't understand what he was telling me. He decided to tell me more.

" When I saw you like that.... I-it was like I couldn't help you man. I didn't know what to do to try and help you. Man I was lost very lost. And you wanna know what the scariest part was?...." He took a pause and before I could answer he told me...

"....It looked like there was a dark shadow hovering above you. " In hearing this bit of information it kinda did scare me.

*Gasping for air* I woke up in a cold sweat. My t-shirt stuck to my chest and all I could do was think....What the heck just happened?

*Next Morning*

" last night was creepy.  I don't know what happened or why it happened that way, but it scared me. The thing is just how real it felt." I told Liam and Sean. Garrett's out with Violet at this time.

" Yeah, we heard you mumbling something last night while you were sleeping." Liam said.

" What was I saying? "

" You kept saying something like, get away.... get off of me. " Liam mentioned.

" Dude it scared us just listening to you and watching you roll around in your sleep that way. " Sean added.

" The worst part about it is that I don't know if I'm actually awake."


"Ahhhh.. Ahhhh.. Ahhhh. " Sean and I woke up hearing Isaiah screaming bloody murder in his sleep.

I go over to his bed and start shaking him ferociously. Sean is standing next to me calling his name.

He won't stop screaming and it's really getting to us now. Next thing I know... Ms.Campbell is rushing into the room with everyone following behind her.  I guess to come and check out what all the commotion is about.

"What's going on? What happened?" she asks us.

"We don't know. He just started screaming out of nowhere." we told her. Isaiah finally stops screaming and wakes up drenched in sweat.

"Are you ok? What happened, you can tell me? " Mrs. Campbell asked him question after question.

"Is this real? " he asked her. Everyone was just standing around staring at him. I heard someone say that he's going insane and another agree with them.

"What do you mean 'Is this real' ?" she asked him obviously confused.

He reached out to her and his hand went right through her as if she were a ghost.


"Your not real. This isnt real, none of it is." I said out loud to no one in particular.

"It's all in your head." someone said. I couldn't see anything or make out anyone. The room started turning black like a wormhole, sucking everything into an immense darkness.

"Who said that,  who's there? " I asked trying to compose myself.

"You." The same voice told me in my ear. I was seriously freaking out right now. It felt like someone was pushing me down to lie on my back. I fell onto what felt like a bed.

I looked up towards the ceiling ,  at least I think I did, and all I can see is this bright... white light in the darkness. Like it was right above me.

"Wake up." I heard in the far distance. It was the same voice again. But it was mocking me.

"I can't." I said to the one who spoke.

"But you can." it spoke again.

"Hey, Isaiah wake up. Waaake uuup." I couldn't make out the voice but I tried my hardest to open my eyes.  After a moment or two, I was able to finally wake up.  Hoping for it to be real this time.

"Aye dude you alright there? " Sean asked. Now I know whose voice it was.

"Yeah. I just had a really disturbing nightmare. " I told him.

He nodded in response. We talked for a while before going into the kitchen to fix us something to eat. 

The rest of the day actually went by well. I'm just hoping that this isnt another trick that my mind is playing on me.
Uh oh.....sooo what do y'all think'll happen to Isaiah. Is he awake now...or is it just another terrifying dream.

Hopefully this chapter turned out great. There are 2 more parts to this chapter and I'll update as soon as I can. My tablet is broken so I'm borrowing my friends phone for a while..and I should be able to update more often.

Love y'all. From now on I'm gonna call you my pups.

The Orphans (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें