Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Trouble On The Way

Melissa McCall

" Isaiah! Isaiah can you here me? " I ask while I shake him profusely.

" Scott, Isaac, help me get him in the car. " I say. They nod in response as they put Isaiah in the back seat of the car.

I grab the keys from inside the house and make my way back to the car. I turn on the ignition and head to the hospital with Scott and Isaac in tow.

We reach the hospital and I rush in panting.

" Melissa, what's wrong? " Dr. Crawford asks as the boys bring in Isaiah.

" I don't know what happened. He just passed out. " I told him frantically.

He clamps a hand on my shoulder and tells me everything's going to be fine.

I look him in the eyes and nod. We get him in a room and start working on him.


" What do you think is wrong with him? " I ask.

" I don't know. " he says as he shrugs his shoulders.

" Derek might know... right? " I say.

" Or Deaton. " he says.

" Ok then. Call him and see if he knows anything. " he nods in confirmation.

" Then you call Derek. " he tells me. I nod and go outside to make the call.

* crackling *

" What. " he answers annoyed.

" Uhhh. Hmph. Wha...- do you happen to know anything about someone passing out from...nothing. "

" What are you talking about nitwit. "

" What I mean is that, well basically...Scott, and I went to an old orphanage with his parents."

" *sigh* And I care becauseeee."

" Scott thinks he's a werewolf to, but something doesn't seem right about him and all. Anyways, when we pulled up to the house and got out of the car.. he fell. "

" Fell as in what exactly? "

" As in blacked out. "


" Derek... hello. You there? "

" Yeah. "

" Well then. Do you know anything or what? "

" ...No...I mean it's very rare. But Stiles mentioned something of the sort. "

" Wha- Stiles, why.. how would he know anything? "

" Because he just got back from the same place with his dad. "

" I still don't understand. "

" ISAAC!! They went there and brought three teens back. Do you understand what I'm saying now? "

" Ooohhh. Ok so what do we do? "

" I-i don't know. Did you call Deaton? "

" Yeah... Scotts on it."

" Ok. But that's all I can really tell you. Meet me at the loft with Deaton. "

" Ok. " He hung up and I trotted back inside to let Scott know.


I finished talking with Deaton when I turned and seen Isaac coming back inside. I walked towards him.

" Hey, what did Derek say? " I asked him.

" He said it's very rare and that he doesn't really know anything. " he responded.

I nod to him and he opens his mouth but shuts it back. It's like he has something else to say but isn't sure if he should or not.

" What is it Isaac? " I ask with a hint of curiosity.

He looks at me confused before realization hits.

" He told me that Stiles and his dad had the same happen to them. I guess they went to the orphanage also and brought 3 of them back to their house. " was his response.

" Ok. Wait what!?! " I asked just now processing what he said.

" Yeah. I guess he and his dad decided that it was a good idea... " he says.

" Oh and Derek said for us to meet him at the loft with Deaton." he finished.

I glanced at my mom from the corner of my eye. I walked over to her to see if everything was alright with Isaiah.

" Hey mom. Is everything ok? " I asked. She nods and tells me that he should be able to come home in an hour or so.

I head back to Isaac and let him know what's going on.

~~1 hour later~~


" You alright man? " the curly haired one asks me. Isaac I think his name is.

" Yeah. " I said as I went to the car. I opened the door and got in. They followed along with their mom as she came out.

And then we were off back to the house.


*...Ring... .....ring..... .....ring..... *

Ugh I groan. I look at my phone to see that it's Scott calling. I pick up after the third ring.

" What now? " I say annoyed.

" Do you want us to bring him also? " he asks.

" Yes. Deaton may be able to come up with something if he's here with us. " I tell him.

" Ok." he says then hangs up.

I might as well get up since I'm awake now. *Sigh* I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen grabbing a cup out of the cabinet and milk from the fridge.

" Well...well...well. Derek, what's the problem now. " the familiar voice of my psychotic uncle came.

" None of your business. " I say while I chug down the rest of my milk.

" Now c'mon Derek. You're my nephew. Let me help. " he tells me.

" Every time you 'help', someone gets hurt. So no thank you." I say making sure to put emphasis on the word 'help', not trusting him at all.

I put the milk jug back in the fridge and wash out my cup placing it back in its rightful place. Before he manages to say anything else... I here the door to the loft open along with chatter.

######################### Sorry if this chapter is short and sucks but I got tired, my eyes won't stay open. But the next chapter shall be better and hopefully longer too. It'll have the events occurring in the loft and more explanation of what exactly is going on. To complete my rant VOTE, COMMENT, FAN of course.. and stay happy and healthy my pups.


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