Chapter 22 - Something's happened

Começar do início

We didn't say anything else on the topic. We returned to the living room. Brandon got into the position he was previously in and I sat in the arm chair as we all focused on the movie. 


I ended up being to tired to walk home so I decided to sleep in Xavier's room. I heard him enter at around one in the morning. He obviously didn't expect me to be here, he would've been more quiet if her knew. 

"Xavier?" I croaked rubbing my eyes. 

"Amber? Didn't know you was staying the night." He sat on the edge of the bed. I noticed he was topless and sweaty. 

"I didn't think you would mind." I sat up.

"Oh I don't." He quickly replied. "Sorry I wasn't back sooner, there was a attack." 

He seemed so causal about saying this but to me it was alarming. "Was it bad?" 

"Oh not really. It was just a couple hunters with guns." He shrugged walking into the bathroom.

"That doesn't sound great. Was anyone hurt?" I turned on the lamp on the bedside table.

"Tommy got shot in the leg but he'll heal in a couple days." Xavier gritted out. He was protective of his siblings. 

I would panic that someone was shot but I was now aware of their supernatural healing. 

"I bet Stacy was worried." I spoke loudly so he could here me from the bathroom.

"She was sobbing." Xavier walked back in sitting on the bed next to me. "Do you have plans for tomorrow?"

I thought for a moment. Was he going to take me on a date?

"No why?" I was suddenly excited, where would he take me?

"My mum asked if we could take care of Mikey and Parker tomorrow so my parents can help Dominic and Shannon pack." I held back the frown that was trying to form on my face.

"Uh- yeah sure." Well at least we were going to spend the day together.

"I also have a meeting in the morning so you're going to have to watch them for a couple hours without me." I nodded slowly.


"Amber! Amber! Amber!" Mikey jumped up and down. "Cookies!" 

Parker toddled towards us watching the interaction. 

"Cookies!" Mikey spoke again. 

"Yeah!" Parker agreed with him. I've noticed Parker hardly spoke although that's reasonable considering his age and limited vocabulary.

"We don't have any cookies." I told Mikey.

"Get cookies!" He continued to jump. 

I pulled out my phone sending a quick text to Xavier.

'If you do not buy cookies after that meeting I will kill you.' 

'I'll be out soon' He replied after ten minutes. 

"Where are the cookies?" Mikey whined for the fifteenth time. He was getting impatient and so was I.

"When your brother gets here he'll give you cookies." Tommy limped in as I said this.

"COOKIES!" He almost tackled Tommy as he entered. 

"Wrong brother." I peeled him of Tommy's injured leg. Tommy smiled at me grateful. 

"Parker!" I picked him up quickly taking him away from the bottle of bleach he was trying to grab. I placed him on my hip despite his efforts to get away.

His Human MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora