"Oh um...that's okay I had a meeting today that I was supposed to go to anyways, it's fine Jess...I'll just see you tomorrow, but I have to go, sorry, I love you..." She said and ended the call before I could say it back.

A text would have to suffice so I opened up a new message and began typing.

"Katy, I love you so much. You're everything to me and I'm sorry for disappointing you, but I'll make it up to you tomorrow night, I promise."

(1 PM)

I was all set and ready for the interview, and my eyes weren't even red from all the crying anymore.

I thought I had finished crying until I got a call from my manager.

"Hiya Jess" Her voice chirped.

"Hey, are you outside?" I asked, rubbing my temples.

"Uh no, I called to let you know that the interview was cancelled last minute, so sorry, but I'll call you tomorrow k? Gotta go!" She said as she ended the call.

Once again, my head was thrown back, but more in frustration than anything this time.

"Are you fucking joking." I groaned.

I quickly dialed Katy's number, but instantly got sent to voicemail, and figured she was at her meeting.

"Just fucking great." I said, which earned me a concerned look from Ellie.

"What's wrong Jessie?" She asked me.

"Ugh, everything, the interview was canceled...but now my baby is in a meeting." I answered, holding back my tears.

"Oh I'm sorry, well here to get your mind off things...we should go out, follow me." She grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

Ellie wouldn't tell me where we were going, but I realized as soon as we reached what looked like the most romantic restaurant in L.A.

"Ellie...we can't, it'll look like..." I started to say.

"Like two friends out to lunch? Come on, I have a reservation!" She yelled, pulling me out of the car.


After my meeting, I decided to check what was up with my KatyCats on twitter.

I was going through some sweet messages, and found something unexpected...pictures of Ellie and Jessie...uncomfortably close to each other at a romantic restaurant not too far from me. They were captioned with, "Has Jessie found a new lover?? Check out more photos of Ellie and Jessie on their romantic date!"

Romantic Date

Romantic Date...



I couldn't stop thinking about those two words...was that her plan after all?

I quickly dialed Jessie's number and waited for her to pick up.


Jessie had decided to take a shower after we returned, so I layed on the bed waiting for her.

I heard her phone start to ring, and got an idea when I saw who it was.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ellie?! What the hell?! Put Jessie on the phone now!" She yelled through the phone.

"Can't sorry, the baby is fast asleep...I really wore her out today" I smirked and waited for Katy's reply.

"No! You're sick! You're so fucked up, if you even laid a finger on my Jessie..I fucking swear!" She angrily yelled at me.

Who You Are(Jessie J and Katy Perry Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now