Chapter Fifteen - Just a picture on the wall I'm surrounded by it all

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I wake up on Nathan’s sofa as I see him appear from the kitchen with two bacon rolls. I take one plate pulling a soft fake smile to him as pity laces around his smile.

“Erm… Lacey why-“

“Why am I not with Jay? You got very drunk last night, my friend…” I end up saying attempting to fake laugh but it turns into randomly sobbing. Nathan takes me into a hug as I hesitate to hug back when I remember I’m not dating Jay, he can’t stop me doing anything.

“Care to jog my memory?” He says holding onto his head taking a sip out of his water.

“You opened your drunken mouth and told Jay, then passing out leaving me to explain everything.” I say a bit too bitterly, I’m not mad at Nathan, I’m mad at myself.

“Lacey, I’m so sorry!” He begins

“Don’t worry, Nath, he had to find out some point anyway he kicked me out I had nowhere to go plus you were in no fit state to drive so… I know I basically inviting myself in for the night but I had nowhere to go…”

“It’s fine you know I would let you anyway… Wait, Jay kicked you out?” Nathan says astonished.

“Yeah…” I sigh, “Told me to ‘fuck off to Nathan’s, you slut!’” I quote Jay as Nathan’s jaw drops even lower, “What Nathan?!” I ask restlessly.

“He’d never do that to you!”

“I would have never done that to him…”

“I would have never loved my best friend’s girlfriend, guess we all make mistakes…” He huffs.

“He’s not my boyfriend anymore though…” I say leaning into Nathan as he pulls away just in time.

“Lacey that’s what got us into that mess, it’s not gonna get us out, stop rebounding from Jay and go get him back!” I tighten myself into a ball, as Nathan untangles my arms and legs bringing me up from the sofa, “Come on I’ll drop you off…”

“It not gonna work, Nath…” I say sighing as he unlocks his front door.

“Lacey, I don’t want to be the reason you two aren’t together, you do love him don’t you?”

“I’m in love with him, Nathan…” I say crashing into a strong, muscly chest. I look up to see Max looking down at me, sorrow and disappointment in his eyes as he takes me in for a massive hug.

“What we gonna do with you Lacey…?” Max laughs holding the back of my head rocking me softly.

Eventually all three of us make our way in Max’s car to Jay’s flats. When we are there I feel both sets of eyes stare at me, eagerly waiting for me to go to Jay’s flat.

“I can’t do it.” I stutter as they both sigh in unison, “What?” I ask in the nicest way I could.

“Jay’s in there crying his eyes out, please just sort thing out!” Max says, “I went to see him before I went to you guys, I couldn’t even work out what he was saying but I’m sure I heard the word Lacey occurs a few times.” I undo my seat belt as they both smile slightly.

“It’s not gonna work, he hates me…” I say as they’re smiles faded, “He called me a slut! Then again so did Chris… Maybe I am just a slut and if I’m a slut Jay doesn’t deserve me.” I say putting my seatbelt back on.

“Lacey, you are certainly not a slut, you are nowhere close to being one… Jay just got angry, and when he gets angry he doesn’t think.” Nathan explains.

“You should hear what he calls us when we piss him off!” Max laughs, “Jay always apologises when he gets the chance and if he don’t get the chance he’s a right state… pretty much like he is now…. But to be fair he’s in a worse state now.”

“Please just try to talk to him…” Nathan begs as I undo my seatbelt and walk out into the corridor of the flats.

Step by step, my feet echo every time.  I finally reach his door and raise my hand into a clenched fist hovering next to the door. ‘Come on Lacey, just try…’ I tell myself when I eventually knock on the door. After a five minute wait he’s still not out, I text Max asking if Jay is in and get a reply saying ‘yeah I saw him five minutes ago while you were panicking in the car, Max J’ I knock on the door twice as hard and wait for a while. Nothing. I end up knocking harder and harder on the door until I’m in tears punching the door.

“Jay, it’s Lacey! Please open the door I want to talk to you! Jay! Jay…?”  I hear footsteps then a crash and Jay’s voice.

“Shit!” He says.

“Jay, I know you’re there at least let me explain…” No reply, I sit down my back on the door with my head resting on the door, my arms wrapped around my legs my knees next to my neck, “Fine… I’ll tell you here…”

Jay’s P.O.V

“Jay, it’s Lacey! Please open the door I want to talk to you! Jay! Jay…?” I walk closer and closer to the door seeing as she’s almost going to knock it down, suddenly crashing into the side of the table making me collapse next to the door.

“Shit!” I let out before I sit down my back on the door with my head resting on the door, my arms wrapped around my legs my knees next to my neck.

“Jay, I know you’re there at least let me explain…” I hesitate to open the door, but I stay put, “Fine… I’ll tell you here…” She says, “Jay… You’ve done so much for me, you saved my life on multiple occasion, one where you almost got killed yourself… It shows just what a wonderful boyfriend you’ve been to me and if you don’t want me back… I know you’ll be a wonderful boyfriend to a girl you deserve…” She says as I hear her sniff from the tears. I stand up and look out through the whole to the outside, I can’t see her? Maybe she’s gone? I begin to walk off until I hear her voice once again, “You don’t deserve me…” I turn around and look back into the hole, she’s not there? How the fuck does she do that? Maybe she’s sitting down? I sit back in my position and listen some more, “That’s what I said to you on the first night back in our flat… You asked me what and I didn’t tell you because I was waiting for you to get better before I told you… Jay, I love you… I fucking love you, Jay. But the truth is you don’t deserve me… You really deserve so much better… Have a nice life Jay, I hope you get everything you want…”

After a while I just cry to myself before getting the courage to open the door, by the time I opened it she’s gone. She’s really gone. I close the door and run to the window to see her get back into the car with Max and Nathan. I close the curtains before they can see me cry to myself. I run into her art studio. She painted quite a lot when she was here. She was going to sell them, but when I went into hospital I suppose she had other things to deal with. Most painting are the British rain until I find one where there is the building of our flats in the background, the rain pouring from the sky as there are two black figures. One boy who’s quite tall and one girl who’s a bit shorter than him, it takes me a while until I realise she’s painted when she first got the studio and we went out in the rain together. I miss her already.

I go onto twitter, everyone knows I’m out of hospital now, they’ve known for ages as I go onto twitter and go onto Lacey’s twitter. Her most recent tweet

@LaceyJenkins93: I only wish for the best for you, hope you get everything you wish for in life

The only thing I wish for is for her… I should go get her back. I put my phone away and go to open the door but stop myself. I can’t do it… Instead I go into our bedroom and smell the scent of her clothes as I lie on our bed. I need her now…

Jay McGuiness FanFiction: There's Nothing That Can Hurt You, Nothing.Where stories live. Discover now