chapter 11

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After 1 week .

It was a bright sunny morning. After getting ready for school , when I checked my phone I saw a text from Murat.
It was a picture with some text written on it which said
"Sweetest of relations are like pillows , when you are tired you relax on them , sad you drop tears on them , and when happy you hug them.

Good morning!"
Cheesy enough right?
This is the very first picture he sent me and the point was , I was already impressed he doesn't even need to do all this .

But when someone put efforts for you , that is the best feeling you will ever have . Someones effort is a reflection of their interest in you. I quickly replied "Good morning " but he wasn't online .

Happily I went to school and even in school I was just dreaming away to glory. I whispered to myself asking "what is happening to me , he just sent a good morning and it's not a big deal".

After school , when I reached home , I didn't even bothered to remove my uniform, I was so excited to talk to him. I just wanted to spend time with him though I didn't knew him that well.

I picked up my phone and texted him
"Let's play a game."
"Which game ?" He asked.
" The game is very simple, it's name is 13 questions. It's kind of a rapid fire where we both need to ask questions to each other and answer them too when asked."
"Cool, ladies first but " he said.

"Favourite food?" I asked
"Everything that tastes good " he replied .
"Favourite actor? He asked .
"Any day, Shah rukh khan" I said
Fair enough, as he is one of the greatest Bollywood actor.
"Favourite actress?" I asked.
"Zaira wasim "
"Who is she?" Was my immediate response.
"Cute, little star and someone who is extremely beautiful "
He complimented her right on my face . Only I know how much i am jealous of her right now . So what if she is the star .

"Ur favourite timepass ?" He asked .
" drawing or may be dancing."
"Favourite sport?" I found myself asking, because I knew boys like sports .
"Cricket "
"Any particular reason why you like cricket?" I asked
"Maybe because of brilliant players like Sachin and virat " he said.
"Do you like cricket? That's my question for you "
" I don't like cricket " I replied honestly.
"Who doesn't like cricket, in which world are you living in" he exaggerated it a little .
"Maybe in the world of my own " I replied.
"Favourite sweets?" I asked
"Not much fond of it but I do like few." He replied.
"Favourite chocolate?" He asked
"Ferrero rocher" I replied within seconds .
"Ohh " he replied.
" why ohh, you don't like that chocolate?"
"No" he said.
"Why, that is just so amazing chocolate, who doesn't like it ?"
"Me ", he replied
"But why ?"
"I don't know, I just don't like it"

I kept irritating him and asking him why to the point till we actually started fighting.
Great , I ended up fighting with him on the very first day of us knowing each other.

But atleast I got to know the basic knowledge of his likes and dislikes. I was more than happy. In ways I cannot even explain .

I am not sure if he feels a spark, but I feel fireworks when I think of him.

After our talk , I soon changed into decent clothes , had lunch ,helped mom in household chores, did my homework (see my dedication though)

And then in night after isha salah I went off to sleep.

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