True Friends and Real Friends.

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Hey Supervalorian's so here is another chapter, so after this chapter might not be updating for a while, depends how I go with my new job. anyways let's get into it 

The bell the rang and us three ran back to the classroom where I had to line up with Alice, while Chloe was behind me and Shelly was behind Chloe.

"Shelly who is sitting next to you?" I asked. "One of Alice's friends, I think they are all quite rude, I don't know what she was like that this morning all upset and quiet," Shelly said. I just shrugged my shoulders. I looked over at Alice. "Hi," I say with a smile. "Hey," she says and turns back to talking to one of her friends that were in front of her. I look back at Chloe and she shrugs her shoulders. Shelly, Chloe and I sat on the ground ready for the story to be read.

Our teacher finished the story and told us to go back desk and start doing our next subject which was maths.


Author's POV

School finished and the three girls walk out of class seeing Maddie's mum theirs. "Chloe Shelly come over here," Maddie said, waving them over to Maddie's mum. "Hey sweetie," Melissa said. "Mum, can Chloe and Shelly come over?" Maddie asked her mum. "Well if its ok with their mums that fine with me," Melissa said.

"Mum this is shelly, Chloe and I went and sat with her and played baseball with some of the boys," Maddie said excitedly. "Well that's good" Melissa replied

"Shelly did you want to come over on the weekend, we can go to the WCWF or go down to the park and play baseball?" Maddie asked

"Well, I have a game on Saturday maybe if you like to come to watch or I can ask if you could join in and then I think I could come over?" Shelly explained "Mum can I go play baseball on Saturday?" Maddie asked her mum. "Well Shelly, that's ok with me but we have to ask her dad first," Melissa said "Ok I can ask my mum tonight and she will tell me yes or no" Shelly said. "That sounds good Shelly. "Mad's let's go time to go to the WCWF," Melissa said as Maddie ran and got her back and walk out of the school with her mum.

Melissa and Maddie arrived at WCWF walking past everyone down to Chris office. Melissa took Maddie's bag as she walked down to the CO-ED room. Maddie and her dad organized as school trip for Maddie's school to come to visit the facility on the last day of term, where the class and the young kids around their age would go out, down to the park, and the children of all ages would go to the school the week before, as Chris made a deal with the school where the kids at risk and some of the sick kids to go to the school starting at 2 days and going up to 3-4 days depending on how they go and hopefully get them going 5 days a week.

"Hey guys," Maddie said as she sat down next to one of her friends Brooke and Mia, Maddie sighed. "What's wrong?" Mia asked "School sucks when your dad and mum are rich, and famous" Maddie pouted. "Why?" One of the younger girls asked. "I tried to make new friends today because I was am afraid that people want to be friends because of mum and dad, but the thing is, is that they think I'm making them a charity case," Maddie said, looking up at all the kids. "Well, when we are there we can all be your friends I mean that if we are allowed to come to the school" one of the boys Jett said with a smile. Jett was Maddie's age and he had a crush on her, Maddie had a small crush on him too, but they didn't like to show it. "Yeah, Maddie, don't worry, and plus we have said that we will always want to come back here to see you," Katie one of the older girls told Maddie with a smile. Maddie smile back.

After an hour of Maddie been with the kids, it was time for her to go home and do some homework as well as get all the kid's backpacks ready for the kids, nice it was her idea.


"Mum, I have done my homework, can I do the bags now?" Maddie asked her mum. "Sure honey, 5 bags now, then have a shower and 5 bags before dinner," Melissa told her daughter smiling. "Ok," Maddie said as she went to where Chris had set up the bag station in the dining room where was just outside of the kitchen. Maddie did 6 bags since she was on a roll and had a quick shower before she did 7 before dinner.

Maddie her the door open knowing it was her dad. "Daddy guess what," Maddie said giggling much like Melissa. "What?" He asked "I did 13 bags today I'm almost done, and we can take them in on the weekend and prepare them," Maddie said happily as she jumped out of Chris's arms. "Well done." He said with a smile. Walking in. "Hey," he said giving Melissa a kiss. "Hi," She said with a smirk on her face. They pull away from each other. "Ok, Mads while mummy finishes cooking dinner do you want to try and round it up to 20, how many bags do we need to do?" Chris asked her daughter, Maddie, thought for a minute counting on her fingers. "Umm 7?" She questioned "Well done," Chris said as he high fives her and they walked into the dining room to help her do the bags.

"I just hope you two are as smart as she is since you are brother and sisters," Melissa said as she rubbers her belly. Watching her daughter and fiancé in the next room.


Melissa and Chris day in their bed. "You know Maddie is pretty advanced for her age, I think she needs to go into go to year one next year or next term I mean she is 5 but she's really smart and bright." Melissa said "yeah but she's already moved one year already, and I can see is getting bored because I can see she is wanting to do all these extracurricular activities, she was saying that she wants to do baseball as well as dancing pulse keep volunteering at the facility" Chris said as he looked over at Melissa. "Sorry I just don't want her to get bored," Melissa said. "It's ok" Chris replies giving Her a kiss, their kiss depended. "Chris, umm be careful ok," Melissa said smirking as he climbed on top of her.


Next week came alone, the kids from the WCWF, Maddie of course, along with Maddie and Chloe, were able to come up on the stage and introduce the children that would be joining their classes and would like to welcome them to the school.

"Hi everyone thank you for coming to this quick assembly, If you don't already know my dad owns the WCWF The Wood Child Wellness Facility for sick and troubled kids and teens. I would like to welcome them to our school and I hope you make them feel welcome" Maddie said as the some of the school clapped some just sat their not even bothering.

Over the week, some of the girls and boys that where similar aged as Maddie, stayed with her, however, their group grew when the boys and some of the girls wanted to sit with them and get another game going of baseball.

After they attend the school a week later Maddie's class along with the year ones went of an excursion to the WCWF to see how the children that were at our school last week normally live, on a daily basis.

"Welcome everyone, so today we will be joining the children for the day and then for lunch we will go for a short trip down to the park" Chris explained to Maddie's Class and the year one class. The students got a tour of the facility bar Maddie as she was helping all the kids set a few things up for when Maddie's class, as well as the year one class, come into their section of the facility.

"Mr. Wood, how come these guys aren't in homes?" One of the year one kid asked.

"Well some of the kids are sick, so my mother who owns the hospitable opened this facility however I made it a safe place for children who come in and maybe don't have family's anymore, or for children whose mum or dad are in the hospitable undergoing treatment for whatever reason they are allowed to stay here if they don't have any other family, in the state." Chris tried to explain in terms the children would understand, children nodded as they continued to walk down the halls where there were rooms with nurses, doctors and some kids that were undergoing treatment.

For the rest of the day, the kids were down at the park having fun with the kids playing a ball game and playing on the playground, with the help of Melissa and Cat&Co they provided lunch for the students, with a serve of freshly made ice-cream, and their choices of topping provided.

So I figured once I get to Chapter 45 or 50 I may stop or one like one year later I'm not sure if I should do a sequel, I have two other books that are happening atm so I will see what would you guys like to see? comment below. 

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