I Knew You Two Were Right For Eachother

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Hey, Supervalorians. here is another chapter :) I hope you enjoy this chapter. I have some good stuff coming :) 

Cat's POV

When Chris waved over Thea and Thea waved over me and I saw the sight in front of me I knew something was wrong.

I couldn't sleep that night, I was tossing an turning from hearing the news how the Chemo was working but it had also spread it didn't make sense, what made sense is that she just sat there listening to what the doctor was saying.

The next day I walked Into the hospitable there were camera crews, reporters, and paparazzi waiting outside for I'm guessing Chris or Melissa. When Margie and I walked into the lobby of the hospitable and waiting for Chris.

When Chris came down and Margie took him off so he could help Mel by getting her food and a few things from her unit I went up to see Mel.

I opened the door to see Melissa watching the TV. "Hi," I said walking in. "Hi" she replied turning off the TV. "How are you feeling?" I asked her "Yeah, I mean, good as I can be, I guess" She replied. "You look a lot better," I told her. She laughed "Gee thanks" she replied. I sat down beside her. "Really how are you?" I asked her

"Yeah, good," She told me. "how are you two?" I asked her getting to the actual question. She sighed. "When I fainted at his event, he needed to stay, I thought that him being my boyfriend he would actually come with me, but he stayed and the next day there was tension between us, that I created because I couldn't see that he was committed, he didn't come visit me, or anything, he only asked how I was yesterday, when he came in he said he was sorry and I forgave him I figured that him what I thought I saw as cheating isn't as bad as me having cancer, then when we go the news that I will have to have surgery, and everyone left he told me he loved me. And I told him I loved him" she explained. She talked fast, but I've learned how to take it all in since I have known her for years. "I knew you to were great together," I told her, she smiled. "Yeah" she questioned

"Mel, I know you want to work, and I want you to work to, but you need to get better" I started

"I know, but I might take you up on that offer, working behind the scenes for a while, you know while I get back on my feet after my operation," She asked

"Ok, well let's wait till after your operation, Mel, you really deserve a holiday and I mean not a sick holiday a real one where you can go to Hawaii and walk on the beach," I told her. "And no I didn't get you a holiday ticket," I told her, her face went from happy to sad within seconds. "Mel, I know you, you save like crazy, you have enough for a holiday for you and Chris, so when you get the all clear I am insisting you go on a holiday and when you get back we can definitely talk about helping me with the business and I will allow Thea to be your Assistant," I told Kara. She smiles. "Get some rest ok," I told her, she nodded and turned her head and fell asleep.

Chris's POV

I walked into see Cat sitting by Melissa's bed I waved at her and then saw Melissa sleeping. As I placed the food that I brought in the small fridge, Cat said that she needed to go to work since the cafe wouldn't run itself. I just nodded and replaced her in the seat, giving Mel a kiss on the forehead trying to wake her.

I sat there reading a book that I had been reading. I asked Margie if we could go past my house which wasn't far from Mel's unit and get some my things, since I could be here for a while, and when I could read or concentrate for that matter I unlocked my phone and scroll down my news feed, where I came across a video where my mother was addressing the media. 'My son, if not in any shape or form in a relationship with that sick Benoist girl that works at the cafe, he is from a better class then her and she isn't suited for our class' I didn't realize that it was loud until I heard Melissa moan, Looking at me. "Why are you crying?" She asked me. I didn't even know that I was. "Hu, what?" I asked wiping away the tears "Whats that?" She asked pointing to my phone. "Um nothing" I replied clicking it shut. "Bullshit, I heard it." She replied. She moved over and tapped on the bed. I scooted onto the bed and unlocked the phone. And continued to play the video. 'Chris my son can do better than her, he knows that the reputation of our family is important, she is not important, she is a charity case and he needs to get his act together," my mother spoke, I think I was crying for both of us. She took my phone and shut it off. "Don't worry about her" Mel said trying to smile. "Mel, she just said horrible things about you, how can you be so calm," I asked her. "There are worse things going on at the moment, and I am happy that you are here to help and support me, that's if you are?" She asked for confirmation. "Of course I am, I am going to be here by your side, before and after," I said smiling caressing her face, and then giving her a kiss on her lips. We were interrupted by a knock on the door with its opening. "Melissa," A male voice said we separated and I got off the bed. "Hi" Mel and I both said. "This is Professor Sin, he will be doing your surgery," Her doctor said, "Is there any other way other than having surgery?" Mel Asked.

"There is having radiation therapy, but because you are so young we don't want to have that option on the table," Her doctor said. She nodded, I grabbed her hand. "I will leave you with Professor Sin, where he will run you through the surgery," her doctor said with a smile, walking out of the room.

"So Melissa, the surgery" he started I grabbed Melissa, and gave is a squeeze again. "We are going to do our best to make a small incision, however, it may be quite long, your recovery time I about 2-3 months. There is a 20 percent chance that you will get movement back, and a 90 % chance that you won't have no movement, we are going to try and not gut the nerve, but it may be damaged" he explained. I sat here like Melissa staring at him taking in all the information. "I know this is a lot to take in so I have written it down and some other things, and asked if they can discharge you today because I have booked you in for two days time which means that you have two days to get everything together and rest, because after the operation it will be very exhausting, and painful" he explained Mel nodded. "Great so I will see you in a couple of days, I will come into your room and see you before the surgery and also after," he said. Mel nodded with a slight smile.

Jacinta came in and disconnected Kara from the IV, and got her to sign the forms so we could go straight away. Mel Changed into a pair of her new clothes and we headed back to her place. 

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter :) 

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