Will You Be My Girlfriend

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Hey, Supervalorians. I got a chance to do some extra writing today and some edits, I hope you enjoy this chapter 

Mel's POV

We arrived back in my small unit. Farley came running up to me going me a kiss, while jumping all over me.

"Hey girl," I said patting her. I went over to the couch and sat down sighing.

"Whats wrong?" Chris asked me "I have so much to do, I need to get everything ready for after my operation" I said starting to get overwhelmed, sitting down on the couch. "Oh god, I need to bring everything out here" I said again getting up. "hey" Chris said softly. "I will be here, you Chyler and Jeremy, Jacinta and Cat" he stated everyone that would help. "I know" I said running my hands over my bald head. "I just want to make sure that I have things ready in case. "You know I will always come when you call me, that why I was so worried, the other day," He told me. I smiled at him. "Hey what are we?" I asked me out of the blue, he turned around and looked at me. "I guess I never officially asked you, Melissa, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I just smiled and nodded passionately kissing him. "Do you wanna take this somewhere else?" He asked me. I nodded giggling as he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, he walked us into my bedroom where he laid me down on to my bed, he took off my shirt first so he could kiss me up and down while I unbuttered his plaid shirt. "Ummm Chris" I said as he got down to my pants and started to kiss the line on the track pants (joggers) I was wearing. "To fast?" He questioned "No, well let me just get your shirt off and maybe your pants ok" I told him. He smiled and did it himself allowing me to take his shirt of and jeans leaving him in his boxers. "You all good now?" He asked her I nodded and allowed him to continue to kiss my pant line and a scrunch my fingers in his hair. He took my track pants off, tracing kisses down my legs and back to my neck sucking on my sensitive spot, he held my arms down above my face, kissing me passionately. "Um Chris" I said softly, he pulled away. "You ok?" He asked me, I nodded "Yeah, I just" I started. He smirked at me. He rolled off me putting a condom on while I stayed there laying in bed. He rolled back on top of me and kissed down to my belly button , and then down to my underwear. I laced my legs around his neck while he continue to kiss down near my sensitive spots. I moaned in pleaser as he got closer and closer. In almost erect dick was in reaching distance for me to touch so he could soon get inside of me. Once I stoked it, and flicked the tip, he moaned and quickly took off my underwear, getting ready to go inside, he looked at me for confirmation, I smiled and kissed me on his lips as he entered, me both moaned out loud as we entered each other heard and fast.


We panted loudly from the actions that were just done. "Oh. Wow" I said. He laughed a little bringing me closer to him, kissing me on the forehead. "What are you thinking about?" I asked Chris. "What my mother said, I want to retaliate, I mean tomorrow I have the conference outside the new facility because they will be handing it over to me, so what better time to do it" He explained, I slowly sat up "That's great, and are you sure, what will people think when you say that your girlfriend is sick?" I asked him. "A lot of people have opinions but others don't really care, and well I don't care if that ask that, because you know that I really like you bald," he told me kissing me again. I smiled into the kiss. "Ok," I say. " I will support you, and I will stand there with you, with no emotion what so ever," I say mocking his emotion when he stood up there when his parents were opening the facility. He laughed at my comment, "Please smile, it's beautiful you know that" he told me. I smiled and buried my head into his chest. "Why do you get so nervous and don't take those compliments? You would have got them all the time?" He asked me. I just shook my head. "Not even from him?" He asked me. I shook my head again. "I'm sorry," he said giving me a kiss on my bear temple.


The next morning Chris and I wake up and get ready at our normal speed, since we don't have to be at the hospitable till 10:45 which wasn't that far away, but still we wanted to take out time on getting there so we weren't rushed. Once we were ready we got into his car and drove off to the hospitable, but a different area where the new facility was located. "You ready?" He asked me, I nodded. He gave me a kiss and took hold of my hand "lets do this" I say with a smile. We walk toward the press and his parents. "you brought her again" His mother said with a scowl on her face. Chris didn't say anything. He just walked onto the stage where people started to listen, and take photo's. We stood back as his other secretary spoke, getting up on stage. When is mother stoped speaking about her and explained that this facility would be in the name of her son and that he would be in charge of it with the help of the managers and staff.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming out today, I am not only here to talk about this facility and how I will be helping out, how I will be getting involved with the children and see what I can do for the facility with the money we raise at the events. I am also here to speak about my mothers remarks the other day, how she said that my girlfriend my partner wasn't cable and fit to live the life we live." He started standing tall. "Standing next to me, is my girlfriend Melissa, yes if you must know she has cancer, and no she isn't a charity case, she will stand next to me at events when she can, and when she is well, like I sit next to her when she has chemo, Melissa is a cable woman who works for the famous Cat grant, so I am certain that she is able to keep up with the media that we get most day" she said with a smile on his face, I look at him with a smile. He gives me a smile in return.

"Do you have anything to say, Melissa?" Someone shouted out, I looked over at him and he nodded, I looked up and smiled. "Chris is the best person for taking over this facility, he is an amazing caring man who cares about people, he will be a great mentor to the children and have heard many great things he is going to do with the children, giving them a better quality of life," I said. "Can we get a kiss?" Someone shouted out, I turned around a looked at Chris who grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in to kiss. We walked off the stage, not even giving eye contact to his parents. The media that were allowed to follow us in to the new facility followed us and he were able to meet some of the new patients, saying hello, he also said hello to all the staff letting them know that he would be there most days wanting to get involved while I stood back, until he wanted to to be involved. He took my hand walking over to a few small kids. He knelt down to one of the kids and whispered something into their ear, and they looked up at me and smiled. "Hi," he said, kneeling down beside Chris and took the Childs hand shaking it. "Do you want to come to help us cut the ribbon?" Chris asked the child nodded. "We need your name, so we can introduce you?" Chris asked. "Christopher." The young boy said I couldn't help but laugh. Making My Chris laugh. "Well, young Chris would you like to come with us?" He asked him. He nodded. As we got up, he opened up his arms. I looked over at Chris and bent down to young Christopher. "Do you want to be carried?" I asked him, he nodded. "Ok," I said, "How old are you?" I asked him and he opened 5 of his fingers. "Oh wow, but I thought 5-year-olds could walk?" I asked him. "He probably wants to be carried by the queen of this facility?" Chris questions, and young Christopher nodded with a cheesy grin. I just smiled and we walked back out.

We walked out to see a ribbon out the front of the doors of the facility, I put Christopher down and stood next to Chris. He wrapped his arms around me as they took photo's."Ready?" He asked me and young Christopher. He nodded too, My Chris was given large scissors and bent down to the hight of young Christopher, I bent down next to him, as well as they cut the ribbon together with photos been taken everywhere, it must of scared young Christopher since her pounced into my arms sacred. I took him back into trying to calm him down.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter... Did you enjoy Melissa and Chrises speach ??? 

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