The Talk

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Hey Supervalorian's, so here's an update... I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 41

Melissa and Chris go sit down next to their daughter who had her eye's fix on the TV. "Hey I was watching that?" Maddie said upset. "Well you can watch it later, mummy and I want to talk to you" Chris said. "Am I in trouble?" She asked now all shy. "No your not in trouble, we would like to. Um.. so Daddy and I love you, but we want you to know that we don't want you to think that you can just give you whatever you want, because of daddy and I's job" Melissa explained. "Oh, I can still have some stuff right?" Maddie asked, "you can don't worry we are not going to stop buying you things but we don't want you to know that we don't want you getting the idea that you will get everything," Chris said, "Ok what about my friends what will they say?" Maddie asked. "Well Maddie, those people aren't really your friends, Your friends and those who aren't there for the money you have, they are there because of what is inside of you, they like your personality." Melissa tried to explained. Maddie looked down. "I think my friends are only my friends because of you and daddy" Maddie said. "Well why don't you play with some people that you don't play with or sit with, or invite them, over?" Melissa suggested Maddie nodded. "Can we make dinner tonight?" Maddie asked Chris. "Sure mad's" Chris replied.


The next day - Maddie's POV

I was at school, sitting on the mat and looking around at who I could sit with. My teacher spoke. "Ok class, I want you to look around and see who you haven't sat with or partnered up with, and you will sit with them this week." The teacher said, I smiled and looked around, people looked at me and asked me and when I saw Alice, I decided to walk over to her. She was always quiet and watched people. "Hi Alice, did you want to sit together today?" I asked her she looked up at me and smiled, she nodded her head. Alice got up and the two girls got their trays and went to sit at the front of the classroom. "Why me?" Alice asked out of the blue. "I promised my mum and dad, plus I think that some people that want to be my friends because of my parents" I replied, "Who are your, parents?" She asked "Melissa Benoist and Christopher Wood, dad owns the new WCWF and my co-owns Cat&Co" I explained, "Oh your mum had cancer didn't she?" Alice asked I nodded "It's she healthy?" Alice asked. I nodded with a smile. "That's good," Alice said.

Once the rest of the class got settled we continued on a worksheet that we had started last week and we meant to finish today but since I was off yesterday I had to make sure that I did two times better than I normally do.

It came to recess time and Alice went at sat down, with a few of our classmates that I don't really talk to. I decided to separate from my 'friends' and go sit with Alice and a few of her friends. "Hi Alice, can I sit with you?" I asked, "But your Mr. Woods daughter shouldn't you be with you know those type of people?" One of Alice's friends asked. "No, I want to have friends that don't want me for my money" I explained "Sorry but our circle is closed," Alice friend said. I bowed my head and walked off, sitting by myself in the shade. I ate my lunch in silence, thinking about mum how she did this live a life where she would only have the most important people in her life with her.

"Hey Maddie" I heard Chloe say, I looked up. "Hi," I said quietly. "You ok?" Chloe asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders. She sat down next to me. "Why did you choose to sit with Alice?" She asked me. I looked at her with water wanting to come out. "I wanted to sit with someone new, you know get to know more people?" I told Chloe. She nodded. "I promised mum and dad that I would do this because I thought that a few other people would want to be my friend because of dads money and mum co-owning the cafe with Cat Grant," I Explained. "You know I would never do that" Chloe told me. I looked up at her I smiled "Thx, I just don't want to have friends because of my parents" I told her. She looked at me. "Yeah, well my I live with my grandma and people used to do the same, but I am able to pick out who is genuine and who isn't" Chloe explained "Umm am I genuine? And who is your grandma?" I asked Chloe. "your mums boss, but I don't go by that name I go by my dad's last name lance" Chloe explained. "Oh well, mum always says that Cat was like her foster mum since her mum died when she was young," Maddie explained. "You know I wouldn't want to be your friend because of your money," Chloe said. "Yeah I know I figured that I would just try and make some friends" I explained "Well Shelly sits by her self why don't we go sit with her, she is super nice and she doesn't really have any friends" Chloe Suggest. I nodded, I grabbed my lunch and we both walked over to Shelly.

"Hi Shelly, can we sit with you?" Chloe asked Shelly. "Um ok" She replied. "Hi, Shelly," I said. "Hey Maddie," she said happily. "Hi" I replied with a smile. We ate lunch together until the second bell rang so we could go play. "What did you want to do Shelly," I asked as I look up at Chloe. "We could ask if we could play softball with the boys?" She asks. "that sounds good" I reply with a smile. "Maddie, can I ask why you sat with Alice?" Shelly asked. I sighed "I promised my parents and also thought it would be nice to make new friends because I feel like some of the people in our class want to be my friend because of my parents?" I explained. "Am I one of those charity cases?" She asked "No, I would never to that, does it seem. Like I am?" I asked worried, "Your Christopher woods daughter, you go to all these amazing events" Shelly started. "I'm really sorry, but to be honest, I feel lonely sometimes I mean I have friends at the WCWF but I know they will get adopted and I probably won't see them again," I told Shelly, it was quiet.

"you know I didn't meet my father until last year and my biological mum is in some physiatrics ward and doesn't want to see me" I explain to shelly "Sorry," she said "Its ok. I understand what you mean but maybe we could get to know each other a little more if you want to come over on the weekend?" I ask Shelly, "I'll think about it, do you want to play?" Shelly asked me. I nodded my head as we head out on the field where the boys are playing baseball. Chloe, Shelly and I were all up next. We all cheered for each other, "Go Chloe" I said "Go Chloe" Shelly said I smiled and we clapped for her as she stepped up to the plate. We stayed quiet for a minute, as the ball has been thrown. Chloe hit the ball dropping the bat and running to the first base not running to the second to be careful.

I was up next I picked up the bat and heard a few slurs coming from the small field of classmates. I thought of what dad taught me, 'don't be afraid, think of the ball as your enemy. I put the bat over my shoulder and swung it a few times. "You can do it Maddie" I heard Shelly say from behind. I smiled and waited for the ball to be pitched, and when it was I hit it as hard as I could, I got to third base and Chloe for home. Shelly was up next, I saw her do all these types of movements before she stepped up to the plate. She did some of the same movements as me, I watched her, she looked at me, and then back at the pitcher. She hit the ball over the pitchers head and started to run, I ran to and saw her coming behind me, while the boys were still trying to get the ball back to home base.

All the boys and girls watched in awe as we got home, we heard claps seeing that we made it to home base. 

So I want the character Alice to be a little bitch in some sense when she is around her 'friends' anyway I hope you liked this chapter. 

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