Love Science part 3

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I continue to look him in the eyes and then get up. Its late so i say "austin u can sleep here tonight because u need to recover." He nods and lays down on the couch. I go to bring him pillows and a blanket. When i come back he says to me "hey zohaa could u not tell anyone about this." Why because im an ordinary nobody in the same house as a famous somebody. I just nod and say "umm do u need anything else?" He shakes his head no. I say "ok." and head to my room. He says "thank u by the way." I just say "no problem." and head to my bed. I toss and turn but i still cant sleep for another hour. Just as i am about to fall into a deep sleep, i hear a bang on the door "oww." Oh yeah austin is here. I open the door, looking like a mess "what?" He says "sorry my leg hit the door to hard." I am about to close the door again "wait." I look at him "yeah?" He asks innocently "wheres the bathroom?" I say "oh sorry i should've told u. It's down the hall to the right." He smiles "thnks." Before he leaves, he says "beautiful hair by the way." I smile and look into the mirror which reflects my ambush of hair. I blush from embarassment:my hair looks terrible!

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