Ben Cook ~ Fake or Not Fake?

Start from the beginning


As soon as I got home, I notice a text from an unknown number.

Hey, if u want, I can get us tickets to Twelfth Night at school in a week
This is Ben, btw

I mentally facepalmed for forgetting to ask my own "boyfriend" for his number, then smiled, and texted back a response.

How'd u get my number?
And sure, I'll come to Twelfth Night with u

I got a reply immediately.

Oh, good
I already got the tickets and it'd seem a bit weird if I had gotten two tickets for myself
I got ur number by asking around

I laughed as I put my phone away. It'd be nice to spend some time with a boy. Get out of the house for a bit. But my relationship with Ben might be something I wasn't so sure about. It would be interesting to see how things turned out. I bet you $500 there'd be talk about it tomorrow at school. And it'll be all over social media too. Ugh, I hate high schoolers.


Sure enough, there was talk circulating every way I turned. As soon as I walked in the school, everybody nearest me turned in my direction. I chuckled and waved nervously at them, and hurried past them as fast as I could, making a beeline for my locker.

Ben knocked on my locker door before pushing it back so he could see me. He had a cheerful smile on his face, but I could tell that he was a bit uncomfortable with all the newfound attention. I couldn't blame him, I was a bit uncomfortable with it too. Being an introvert who usually went unnoticed didn't prepare me for all this attention. I DIDN'T PAY A GODDAM FEE FOR MY SUPPLIES AND PROGRAMS TO HAVE PEOPLE STARING AT ME.

"All these people." Ben muttered, a look of troubled thoughtfulness on his face.

"Agreed." I replied. "We're going to be the talk of the town for the next few months. Maybe until next year." Ben grimaced. "Sorry." I apologized for reminding him.

"S'okay. We'll figure something out." His grimace disappeared and a real, actually-happy smile took its place. "Shall we?" he asked in a British accent (10/10 by the way), holding out his arm. I grinned, and looped my arm through his, replying in a British accent as well.

"We shall."

Ben shut my locker and we were on our way to first period (we had the same schedule, thank goodness).


"Hey, nerd!" Jack taunted Ben a few weeks later as I make my way to lunch. "Why you stealing my girl?"

Ben looked slightly annoyed and a bit frightened. "I didn't do anything, Jack. I'm just a nerd, like you said."

"Oh, so you're trying to get smart with me?"

Well, it doesn't take much effort to do that.  I thought.

I ran up to Jack. "Shove off, Jack! It's nothing big."

Jack scowled. "So ever since Ben came into your life, you've replaced me with him?" he snarled, pointing an accusatory finger in Ben's face. 

I frowned. "Jack, Ben hasn't replaced you. He hasn't replaced anyone! You're jealous, Jack. Get over it." I snapped back. I grabbed Ben's hand and dragged him to the lunch room, not caring what everyone saw or thought.

"Thanks for saving me out there, Abby." Ben thanked me as we sat down.

I smiled, still shaken. Ben looked at me like I had grown a third eye. "Are you okay? You look a little shook."

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