She pushed passed people and reached the outside doors, right next to the van and was gifted with a peek at what rests inside it. The familiar ticking and red dot of a light forced her eyes to widen in fear.

"Wakanda is proud to extend its hand in peace."

The German Shepard started to frantically bark, which was the only signal Bailey needed.

"Everybody get back!" she screamed, turning around and waving her hands in the air of those near the glass windows of the café she had just abandoned.

She was a split second too late. The heat hit her before the fire got too close, and with the Nano-second decision, Bailey spread her arms out and tightened her eyes close. Using a manipulation she had barely mastered, she felt the pull of strings extend to each soul she could attach herself to, phasing the moment the fire passed the bodies she had managed to get a hold of.

Black smoke lit into the air immediately after, the explosion subsiding as quickly as it had ignited, small candle flames still littered on the scene of rubble that were too familiar for Bailey's liking.

Screams jumped into the air as people had noticed they were left untouched, but the pounding of the pulse in Bax's ear sounded louder at that moment. Her hands shook as she rested them to the side, her left cheek kissed with crisp, black dust.

She looked around at the doubling picture, making sure everyone had been saved by her quick, yet extremely stupid for her health, act of thinking. She had saved those several adults and children alike from the bomb that had been set off.

Then the building caught her eye.

"I need to get S.H.I.E.L.D on the line," she scrambled forward, racing to the other side of the street as she pulled out her phone.

Clicking on the personal contact, she began to ring their number as she frantically entered the building.

"Bailey?" Steve asked.

"Listen, you could potentially get arrested right now if you help, but I really, really couldn't care less at his moment-"

"What do you mean? Help what?" His voice started to raise from how panicked she spoke to him.

"Please, please, please, please tell me you're with Sharon."

"I just dropped her off at her building," he gave her the answer she didn't need.

Looking around for a quick plan, she spotted another news van across the road where she was previously standing.

"Okay, listen. I don't have much time to explain, I need to get in this building fast. Get Sam, get to Sharon. Just turn on the TV, it's gotta be everywhere by now. Tell her to meet me at Vienna, with a team," her orders worried Steve more, and he quickly ran back to Sam as he noticed how serious her tone started.

"I don't know what you're getting at, Baxter."

"You'll find out soon, call me when you can."

Without giving herself time to listen to Steve's protests, she hung up the phone and pushed past the rotating doors at the entrance of the conference building.

Her head snapped to the reception, where the secretaries where being escorted out on stretchers.

"Avengers?" she asked, running to one of the paramedics and turning him to face her, "Sokovia Accords? What floor are they on? Natasha Romanoff, I need to find Natasha Romanoff."

He looked confused as she spoke, and her quick words of panic didn't seem to help the non-English ears.

"Gods," she turned away from him, "Does anybody speak English here?" she cupped her hands in front of her mouth and shouted.

Bed of Roses [N. Romanoff]Where stories live. Discover now