"Well, I'm glad that she did. She's my world and I'm so glad that we're still happy together. Maybe if Becs proposes we could have a double wedding or something?"

"Possibly, but I think it'd be better if we had single ones so that we don't have to share the attention."


"The media will go crazy for yours and Beca's wedding so I don't think Stacie and I want to have all of that attention."

"Fair enough. Have you and Stacie thought about any dates yet?"

"Not yet. I'm going to have a chat with her next week when she moves over here. She says that we've got all the time in the world but I want to plan it now so that I have room to make changes."

"You've always been the planner, Bree," Chloe giggled.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"No," Chloe laughed again then heard the front door open. "Oh! Beca's home. I've gotta go, Bree."

"Okay, talk to you soon."

"Okay, bye!" Chloe hung up then skipped over to Beca. "There's my baby!" The model wrapped her arms around the brunette, giving her a kiss and a cuddle.

"There's my baby!" Beca chuckled.

Chloe flushed. She loved it whenever Beca called her cute little pet names like that. It made her feel so special and it reassured her that she was Beca's and that Beca still loved her no matter what.

"How was work?" The model asked, leaning back and looking at her girlfriend but still keeping her arms locked around her neck.

"Good. My album's coming along really well. It's always good when I finish a new project. The feeling of it being done is so satisfying and it gives me a break for a little while. Until about a week later when the majority of the world have listened to my work and demand another album."

"That's because you're an amazing artist and they can't get enough of your genius - I know I can't."

Beca breathed a laugh then pecked the redhead's lips. "Thanks, babe,"

"You're welcome,"

"How was work for you?"

"Good! I finished up my photoshoot today and I have to plan for another campaign tomorrow with Courtney."

"Oh, yeah? Is it going to be another promotional campaign?"

"Yeah, and I was also wondering if you'd be willing to make a speech since everyone is STILL going on about your video four years ago."

"If my girl wants me there then I'll be there."

Chloe beamed and couldn't help but kiss her girlfriend. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome."

"Now, are you hungry?" Chloe pulled away and walked back into the kitchen.


"Right, well, sit down and let me make us some dinner then."

While Chloe was getting started on dinner, Beca sat on the kitchen bench as she flicked through her social media pages like she always did when she got home.

"Do you need any help with dinner, Chlo?" Beca checked.

"All good, babe. You just relax. I've been home for a little bit and I know you've had long days at the office so far so I've got it. You know I love cooking anyway so I don't mind."

"I know, I just feel a little guilty sometimes that you cook all the time and I don't."

"It's okay, babe. You do other stuff like give me back rubs, do grocery shopping, clean up after me, get up in the middle of the night to get me a glass of water, and other stuff like that. So don't feel guilty. We balance each other out and that's fine."

Bechloe - Because You're MineWhere stories live. Discover now