
"I am. This is the only thing I can do to make my grandfather happy." I said, teary eyed. "Plus the fact that this marriage will actually save the company and the hacienda. So I must do this, Emz."

Emilia, my best friends just smiled at me comfortingly.

"I'll always be here. You know that, right?" Emily responded and I just nod my head. "You can do this."

I smiled bitterly and tried to blink back the tears. Over the years as I grew up, I was a very tough girl. But after my first love left me broken and I lost my parents, I was never the same...especially when I finally knew why he left. I was devastated. And to think that my parent's death was also my fault, I lost all my pride and self-confidence. I became so vulnerable and fragile. Sensitive. I got so depressed. But good thing I was able to bounce back a little. But I became emotional. I cry easily. I slowly sink into my own shell and built walls around me. I never ever wanted to experience that pain again and so I buried myself and hid behind my camera, canvasses, and paintings. I never go out with other people since then. Except with Emz.

"You can do this." She said again with lots of eagerness.

"I can do this." I echoed and she smiled.


We were about to go to the garden where the wedding is to be held when my phone continuously rang. I smiled when I saw that it was my Tito Julio.

"Tito Julio?"

"Thank God you answered your phone, sweetie." He said breathlessly over the other line. "Why were you not answering the phone?"

"Oh, sorry. They were busy dressing me up for my wedding." I reasoned.

"What?!! You're really gonna do it?!" He hissed, sounding mad. "You can't marry that guy?!"

"Tito, I already told you. I am not being forced to do this. I agreed and I can't back out now." I explained again.

Why is he so mad?

I already told him my side of the story.

I thought he understood.

He's currently in China right now for some business he doesn't wanna tell me. And he definitely said that he'll be mad at me forever if I go through this arranged marriage.

"But, sweetie...you don't even know the man." He said firmly.

"I know and whatever may happen...I'll gladly accept." I insisted. "I trust Pop's decision. And it's all gonna be okay."

"No. Don't do this to yourself. I am telling you to stop this nonsense now!" He said angrily.

I was about to answer when the event manager popped her head at the door and signaled for me to go down. I looked at Emilia and she nodded. I sighed.

"Look, I don't have time for this now Tito. Whether you like it or not. I am getting married today." I said and ended the call.

"He's mad?" Emilia asked and I nodded. "He's crazy."

She just shook her and I furrowed my brows at her. "He's just concerned about me."

"But you've decided and he must respect that." She insisted.

Emilia never really got along with Tito Julio but she knows that we're very close.

"I know."

Emilia shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't mind him. He'll get over it. Let's go."

My Happily Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now