Water Rafting (Part 1)

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Right I found some Wifi - thank god! Meaning I can now update which is nice for me as it gives me something to do and nice for you because you get an update :) see, everyone is a winner :)

I also love all the new comments from all you new readers out there - I am being kept quite entertained by what you're all saying :)

Anyway, let's proceed . . .

I could still feel my breakfast settling inside me, sinking further with every step I took. It wasn't exactly a bad feeling - it was more nerves, which was stupid; but I was feeling nervous about this whole thing.

"You look terrified!" Loki said as if I needed it confirming that I looked as apprehensive as I felt.

"It's only water rafting - no need to be that scared." Tony smiled and nudged me slightly, "I mean what's the worst that could happen?"

"Well -," Sherlock began but was cut off by Tony who made a funny kind of hissing sound that shut Sherlock up before he could offer some kind of ray of sunshine to the conversation.

Molly kicked a stone from the gravel path into the long grass growing at the side, " Just so I'm sure: what is water rafting?" she asked carefully then added quickly, "I mean obviously I know what water rafting is but I'm not sure what we have to do?"

"Well Half-Pint, you build a raft from materials given and then you use it to manoeuvre around a water obstacle course collecting coloured flags as you go. Once you've got all the flags you bring them back to me and I award points to you." Logan, our team instructor, explained - slowing his quick strides so that he was level with us.

I shrugged after Molly looked like she approved of the task, "That sounds easy enough."

Loki coughed laughter, "Really? Wow Rosie, can I borrow some optimism?"

"I think what Loki is badly trying to explain is that, although water rafting sounds easy, it is one of the many tasks we seem to fail at every year."

Logan snorted, "Not every year. Although there was that one time when that kid wanted to use a tree for his raft." he chuckled deeply.

Loki rolled his eyes, "That would be my brother."

Logan looked Loki up and down with an eyebrow raised, "Really?He's quite a big kid - you're on the scrawny side, aren't you."

Tony laughed, slapping Loki on the shoulder hard enough to make Loki snarl. "He is a bit scrawny compared to his brother, isn't he?" Tony teased.

Mr Kirk cleared his throat from the back of our group, "Now then team, let's not fall out. We need to stay strong!"

Loki continued to glare at Tony's back as the gravel underfoot became scattered with brown sand before we walked onto a sandy beach; in front of us a lake that stretched quite far into the distance.

It wasn't a sunny day; the cloud cover above us was reflected in the grey green water and a gentle but cool breeze rippled across the lakes surface causing the inflatable obstacles there to bob rhythmically.

The Chance Thorp team were already waiting for us by a pile of sticks and rope and other materials that I assumed we would soon be using to build our rafts.

I pretended not to notice that Logan stood slightly taller when they came into sight, eyeing up the instructor of the other team with a slight disapproval.

"Ugh great opponents." Loki said mournfully as he too eyed up the other team.

Sylar was stood there grinning upon our arrival. He was stood next to a tall teacher with a sharp face and bitter eyes. His stark blond hair was pulled back tightly and hung down to just below his shoulder blades.

My Trips are Weird - Sequel to MCIW (Lots of Fandoms crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ