Board Games

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So this is a bit of a kind of filler chapter I guess . . . I dunno really . . . enjoy!!!!!

"We're going to play football downstairs. Anyone want to join?" Will asked, popping his head around our door.

"Who's playing?" Tessa said, hanging over the edge of the top bunk to look at Will.

"Well Thor thinks he can take on everyone so we were just going to kick a ball at him and see what happens." Will's smile was lazy, "He thinks he's really macho."

"That's not football!" Hermione said, "That's just Thor being Thor."

"Well it's an excuse to pelt him with footballs. I have a feeling Mycroft and Leon will join his team though so it will probably end up being a proper game." Will justified happily.

"Or dodge ball." I muttered while attempting to start the French braid in Molly's hair.

"I'm in!" Tessa jumped from the top bunk, landed perfectly and joined Will in the door way.

"Ron and Harry are down there too." Will gestured out into the corridor.

"Ugh, I better go down just in case Harry breaks his glasses." Hermione grumbled.

"It's freezing in here - you know that, don't you." Will said standing aside so that Hermione could get out of the room.

"No kidding," Clara said from laid on her bed wearing her beanie hat and a scarf while she read a book.

"I asked Pike after dinner if he'd fix it and he said someone would get round to it sometime." Tessa called from behind Will.

Clara put down the book and blew into her hands, "Are you trying to tell me that everyone else's rooms are like the Bahamas?"

"Pretty much. I think if you open the window you'll let more heat in." Will winked before backing up and closing the door slightly.

"It is pretty cold in here." Molly said looking up slightly then quickly adding, "Sorry! I moved."

I untangled my fingers from the tiny braid I'd tried to start and sighed, "I can't do this." I bit down on my lip and swept the braid out before starting again.

"You don't have to do it, you know." Molly said, "Are anyone else's ears cold?"

Clara sat up, "I think we need to find somewhere warm."

"I'm no good at dodge ball." Molly mumbled, passing me a bobble when I asked.

"There." I patted the loose strands of hair into place and presented my creation.

Molly stood up and went to the mirror to look at it, "It's prefect! Thank you."

"You're welcome." I yawned then rubbed my arms. Even the polka dot jumper was failing to keep the chill out.

Clara rolled off her bed, picking up a pillow and her book, "I'm going to find somewhere warm, even if that means sitting on the kitchen floor by the oven or something."

"I think I'm going to join you actually." I said rolling up my jumper sleeves slightly.

"There might be biscuits in the fridge in the kitchen." Molly mused following us from the room.

We started down the corridor and found our way back to the canteen. We turned around and left again when we realised all the staff were sat in there though.

"Well that was awkward." Molly giggled as we trudged off.

"Yeah, we'll have to . . . Did you hear that?" Clara stopped and asked suddenly.

My Trips are Weird - Sequel to MCIW (Lots of Fandoms crossover)Where stories live. Discover now