Jellybeans and Yellow cars (Part 2)

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Part 2 guys :) sorry about the wait. I tried to update as soon as possible :D hope you all enjoy!!

I sighed, collected my thoughts then went for it, trying not to over think the situation . . .

"When I went to the shops all I brought back was: a melon, a carrot, a sleigh, a sword, a screwdriver, a light bulb, a magnifying glass, milk, jam, a tin of beans, jellybeans, fish fingers, lemonade . . . ugh." I paused and looked around for help. John was keeping count of the items I'd listed on his fingers looking confused as he tried to remember. Sherlock looked smug as if waiting for me to slip up because he seemed to be reigning champion of this game. Molly was struggling to keep up and Loki was putting me off by trying to look at the note pad Clara was using to list down all the objects we'd chosen and to check what we were saying.

Merlin shrugged his shoulders when I glanced at him with a desperate look.

". . . A brillo pad?" I asked giving up. Sherlock made a triumphant noise.

"Were we allowing that things could be said out of order?" Clara asked looking up from her checklist.

"That rule didn't count when I was playing!" Arthur said, "So it shouldn't apply now!"

"Okay, okay. Calm your jellybeans." Loki soothed, "I'm out of the game too."

"Oh let's face it Arthur," Merlin interjected, "When we said: 'you can only list the things we've already said' - that doesn't mean you can just make up a list on your go!"

"Why not?" Arthur said stubbornly.

"Because, if we just made stuff up, it wouldn't be much of a memory game, would it?" Clara mused, looking over the list again.

"Is it my go yet?" Sherlock said.

"He shouldn't be playing!" The Doctor said over the top of his seat.

"Yeah, he's too good! We've been playing for like three hours now and he hasn't lost a single game!" The Master added.

We hadn't been playing for three hours, more like one and an half but it felt like three. We hadn't assumed the journey would feel so long, but, since we'd set off the weather had taken a turn for the worse and the traffic was terrible. What had been estimated as a four hour journey was now looking close to six.

"Go on then Sherlock." John said whilst leaning on the back of my seat.

Loki flicked the back of Clara's note pad, "Make sure he doesn't cheat. Tick off everything as he says it."

Clara nodded and poised her pen ready.


"When I went to the shops all I brought back was: a melon, a carrot, a sleigh, a sword, a screwdriver, a light bulb, a magnifying glass, milk, jam, a tin of beans, jellybeans, fish fingers, lemonade, biscuits, strawberries, a scarf, paint, a crab, a clock, a hammer," He paused and we all turned around to see him counting on his fingers.

"Has your remembering method failed you?" Loki said in a hopeful voice.

Sherlock dismissed the comment, muttered something then said, "A teddy bear, a brillo pad, a yoghurt, half a chicken, a green bike-,"

"Woooooh!" The Master shot up in his seat and pointed his finger at Sherlock violently, "Stop right there Shirly-whirly-pudding-and-pie!"

We giggled at his nickname for Sherlock.

"It was a red bike not a green one!" The Master then looked at Clara for support.

Poor Clara looked tired from trying to tick the objects off the list as fast as Sherlock had said them. She nodded in agreement with Master though, "Sorry Sherlock it was a red bike not a green one."

My Trips are Weird - Sequel to MCIW (Lots of Fandoms crossover)Where stories live. Discover now