Indigo and Archery (Part 2)

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Hey guys! Oh man it's been such a long time and I can only apologise so much for what has happened over these past few years! I know you have been waiting and waiting and it hasn't been fair on you! I can honestly only apologise for how much my life has gotten crazily out of control! It's been crazy mad! Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me these past few years - this update is dedicated to you for your faith. I respect you have all been waiting years, we have old fans and new fans alike, some of you are new to the story and I welcome you with open arms, others have been here a while and you guys are the best :) You're all fantastic and I really appreciate that you understand that I have a life away from the keyboard and that my life is very full and busy now. If you have questions that's fine haha! I am only human though - not some story writing machine (I wish though) and that these updates take time to think up and write and upload. Its not an easy process so please remain sympathetic. I am very sorry again that it has been ages, I am going to try and be better from now on, hopefully a new update every week on at least one of my works (Kez has been found but Everly is still crying out for her story to be resumed. If you are still waiting for an update on PTG I will be updating it next so there should be something in the next few days)

Anyway enough of all that! Enjoy this little gem of an update, comments and votes - I've missed all your wonderful comments that make me smile1 I love you all and it feels good to be back! Thank you and goodnight xxx


Logan was stood cracking his knuckles as we approached. He looked wild when trapped in his own thoughts but as we approached, crunching over the gravel, he looked up and the wild craze to his eyes had vanished.

"Ah Team! Taking your time?" He coaxed us closer to him and smiled. Mr Kirk jogged out of the building behind us, pulling a jumper over his head. I could feel the chill in the air, it was now getting on late afternoon and typical of the British weather, what had started out as a nice day was now becoming overcast and breezy. I shuddered.

"Not too late to grab a coat." Sherlock said as Logan waved us all along down a path that looked to lead us around the back of the main building and off into the wilderness.

"I'm good," I said with a smile, "I'm sure whatever we are doing will warm us up."

Greg snorted, "You'd be surprised it will mostly consist of us firing arrows at a target in turn and adding the points together. We never really advance past that."

Clara raised an eyebrow, "Advance past? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Do we actually get to shoot people?" Loki perked up enthusiastically, "Like actually plant an arrow right between Sylar's eyes?" He mined firing an imaginary arrow then did a victory dance.

"There will be no shooting each other Loki," Mr Kirk warned, "As much as we dislike Chance Thorpe, there is no need for that kind of aggressive violence."

Sherlock sniggered, "As if they don't want to have a go themselves. You can see it in their eyes, a little spark."

"No Sherlock, everyone looks like that when you start talking." Loki winked then trotted off after Tony.

I rolled my eyes as we trudged through part of the forest, damp sticks and leaves sticking to my trainers messily, until we came to an opening, the size of a football pitch. At one end was a large net, probably for catching arrows that missed the target to prevent them getting lost in the wilderness. Forward from the net was a line of six targets.

"I am going to be absolutely rubbish at this." I mumbled under my breath to Sherlock who was eying up the targets with calculating and cunning eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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