Virtual Tour

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"Try this shade for your larger areas like a living space...I know the word Tan gets a bad reputation but trust me, this shade is lovely because not only is it a great neutral that will pair well with whatever furnishings you've got or plan on getting, but I feel like this tone is very color shifting depending on the lighting...more natural lighting will make it feel more vibrant and fresh, while lighting from a lamp may make the color seem warmer more heavy and rich."

I nodded as I listened to the sales woman explain the paint choices. She really seemed to know her paint.

"Of course you could also go with a nice grey color, but my advise is to steer clear of any grey shades with blue undertones as the color can make a room feel cold and almost depressing...or, and hear me out..." She said with a knowing smile. "Salmon Peach."

I made a face of disgust "All I know about Salmon is the fish and that it's a kind of pink color...neither of which I'm too fond of."

She supressed her laughter, "I get it...most men have similar reactions when I offer it, but sufice it to say it is a nice warm color and the peachy color in it sets off the 'pink' so it is very minimal and pairs well with more natural colorings like greens and browns."

"Well you've definitley given me a lot of information I wouldn't have previously thought about." I admitted. "I think I'm going to go with the tan that you suggested and a nice gray color that you think would go well in a room with large windows." I said before I pulled out a piece of paper.

After I went to the grocery store I stopped in at a hardware store on the way back to the apartment. I picked up painting supplies such as tarp for the floors and furniture, painters tape, paint pans, paint rollers and a few other supplies I thought I might need like various tools for handy work around the apartment that might spring up as well as a measuring tape, a broom and dust pan.

After taking all of that back to my new place I set off measuring each room...This took a while as the measuring tape only goes so far. But in the end I got all the measurments of each room, while I knew I probably wouldn't get furniture purchased today I could at the very least get the painting done.

The lady got my purchases all sorted and I paid and thanked her for her help.

I was walking back to the apartment when I got a text.

[Raven: Dinner at Nat's, nothing fancy...come as you are.]

I smiled and text her back.

[Ryland: Hope you're having a good time with your Dad Princess...I'll stop by the pack house before I head out to Nat's and get cleaned up.]

[Raven: I am...I can't wait to see you later, my dad just told me so much shit and I've got to talk to someone about it.]

I had wondered about her burst of emotions earlier...I knew I had left her with her family so I figured it would be them that was affecting her emotions like that.

Of course I hated that I couldn't do anything about them upsetting her.

[Ryland: I'm sorry if he upset you Babe.]

[Raven: No...I meant I learned about something today from talking to him earlier...where are you by the way?]

[Ryland: On my way back to the new apartment...can you believe Charles just gave it to me?]

I thought about it, as appreciative as I am that Charles gifted me with this place, I wasn't too keen on the idea of too many people knowing.

[Ryland: But could we keep this between us for now...I don't know who Charles has or hasn't told and I also just don't like a lot of people knowing our business.]

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