Ry & Ray Part 2

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Raven Archer...it was a name I knew well, but someone I had never personally met before, more so since she's shifted.

Of course she was super fucking sexy, her blue eyes and dark hair did something amazing to me and my wolf...and that uniform...I swear I'm going to need a run.

"Ry..what's up man, you look like you're on edge." Royce asked as he came up.


Of course I would be the asshole that found his mate in his best friends little sisiter.

"You good man?" He asked.

I nodded, "just tired...wolf's still adjusting to the time difference and what not." I lied.

I should have told him about Raven, but I know how much he cares about his sister.

"So, what'd you think about Ray?" He asked witha smile.

"Raven..." My wolf arose at mentioning her name. "She's...I don't know dude...kinda sassy."

He looked confused as his brows pulled together slightly, "That's odd...she's usually pretty quiet, kinda reserved."

That was not the girl I met earlier...my mate was sassy, and flirty, and so damn seductive.

I shrugged.

"Well that doesn't matter, it's not for her to like you as you are my Beta and you are doing me a solid by taking care of her since I can't be here."

Once again I felt like shit.

"Hey man...I gotta tell you something."

He had begun to mess with some papers on his desk but stopped to look at me. "What's up."

"I have to tell you that I found my mate recently."

He laughed and stood up "well look who's with the 'heavy shit' now...and how is your...how did you phrase it once...'Biopolar Beauty' taking it?"

I sighed, I had actually forgotten about Piper. "She doesn't know yet."

This time he laughed hard.

"Oh good luck with that then...so, your mate gonna be joining us over here?"

I nodded my head. "She is already here...I met her this morning."

He started putting two and two together and once he realized who my mate really was he punched me, pretty fucking hard to be honest.

"Raven?!...your mate is my fucking baby sister?!" He growled.

I moved my lower teeth from side to side to make sure he hadn't dislocated my jaw or something.

"Hey man, I didn't pick her, that was up to the fates...and given that there's Alpha's blood involved we're true Mates...and the fact that she's your sister as well as my mate should tell you that I wouldn't fuck things up with her, she's too important to me."

I heard the words as I said them, it wasn't something I had ever expect to say about any girl, and yet, it felt right.

"I can't believe you fucking punched me bro."

"Look, Raven is the only other person in my family other my Aunt who I would kill for no questions asked...I understand that you may be her mate, but don't ever hurt her in any way or so help me, I don't give a shit that your my best friend or my fucking Beta...I won't hesitate to hurt you Ryland."

"I have no intention of hurting her bro."

It was quiet between us for a while.

"I though about not telling you...but I didn't want to keep it from you like I'm ashamed of her only for you to find out about us later on."

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