Alpha Roy Pt. Two

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"Is there anything thing else the three of you would like to add before we convene in private momentarily to discuss our verdict on the matter of having a high profile Were join a pack other than her own familial pack.

The council members had arrived a few hours back and we had been in council with them ever since, trying to speak in Raven's felt like we were speaking in circles saying the same things over and over.

"They came in with their minds already made up." Royce leaned over and whispered to me, I picked up on his angry tone before shaking his head indicating that it wasn't good.

"Council members, please I know it seems farfetched, me asking for my daughter to be transfered to another pack...but the shameful truth is Raven had a very harsh childhood and to no fault of hers she is not very close to my wife or I get ready to step down I want to be sure that my daughter will feel welcome and safe in her pack...but I can't guarantee that once her brother takes my mantle."

My wolf grew angry just thinking about our mate being mistreated.

"My eldest boy Royce, adores his little sister and she loves him just as much...more so she trusts him and while it hurts to have 2 of my children so far away from me it brings me solice knowing they are happy and taking care of each other."

"Council I feel like my mate and I are my sisters biggest support system...we understand that its a little unconvientional, but we really only want what's best for Raven right now, especially with her having just shifted...we need her wolf to know and form a bond with a pack before her wolf becomes wild."

"Gentlmen, we do understand the predicament presented to us...but traditionally the young Were stays with their parents so that they may guide her through her shifts and help groom her wolf into a valuable member of our societies."

"And My daughter can get that here."Alpha Roy sounded slightly tired now.

It felt like they were beating the same points into the argument.

"Despite my wife and I not being the coaches her wolf would have gotten, she has my son Royce and his Mate Alexia...and if you think them unqualified then Charles and Natalie Highfield are also there as are Jerry and Margaret Highfield...Sirs, everyone is more than willing to help her in any way possible."

There was a silence.

"Anything else?" One of them asked almost boredly.

Royce was right, these old pricks had already come up with the decision before they even showed up tonight... they probably only came to save face and look diplomatic by "hearing our concerns" but never actually meaning to do anything about them.

"If that's it then...-"

"Sirs..." I finally spoke up.

"Mister Barbarossa?" One of them sounded. "It seems you have something to add..

I had originally planned on letting Raven tell her father about us, but seeing as this was about her staying or going it was now or never before these fucks made a big decision on her life.

I nodded firmly, "Sirs respectfully, I am not Raven Archer's family so I have no say on which family member she should live with..." I said matter of factly. "But the honest truth is that in her time being here she has become a member of the Blood Dawn in every sense of the word from starting school, engaging with pack members, helping the Luna, and joining in with Highfields family functions."

I paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "And more selfishly, I don't want to see her go...personally I think she is an amazing girl and a great assest to whatever pack she is in...but more so...I don't think I could manage having her away from me and my wolf as she is my mate and I have taken on the role of Beta here..." I could feel Alpha Roy's eyes on me but I knew he wouldn't say anything right now.

"So you see council members, if you send her away you are also going to have to allow Royce some time to find a replacement Beta because I refuse to be away from my Mate for longer than necessary."

"Well that's another thing entirely...a moment gentlman."

I stood up alongside Royce and and Alpha Roy and joined them as we walked out of the office.

Nothing was said, I just wanted Alpha Roy to acknowledge my statment back there...but he was too wrapped up in his thoughts, I considered it best to drop it and not press him.

I did however take the time to close my eyes really quick.


'There's my Mate.' I added, fighting the urge to smile as I could practically feel her happiness radiating onto me through her thoughts. 'I miss you so much it's crazy.' I admitted.

'I know what you mean...where are you guys?'

I sighed 'just outside of Scottland, we're currently meeting with the council about you being placed in this pack or another.'

'I knew it was about me...I told Lexi but Royce doesn't tell her shit.'

'Calm down Princess...I'll be damned if I let them send you away...'

"This is bullshit ya know...this should be my choice."

'I agree Babe, try not to worry so much thought, the three of us are doing everything we can to keep you in Blood Dawn pack.'

'Three of you?'

'Did I forget to mention your Dad is here?'

'My Dad...can this get any worse?'

'It can...In my last ditch attempt to get you to stay I may have just revealed to not only the council but also your father that you are my mate and if they send you away they had better send me away too.'

There was silence for a while.


'I guess he had to find out sooner or later.' She finally thought.

" ready?" Royce sounded, I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

'Gotta go Princess.'

I opened my eyes and found him alongside Alpha Roy looking at me...Alpha Roy wore a more stern expression now as he looked at me.

I followed behind the both of them as we all re-entered the office.

"Gentlemen...First let us thank you each for taking the time out of your lives to meet with us on this matter." One said.

Another one spoke up now, "I know it may seem difficult to understand but our main concern is and always will be the maintaining of balance and peace between packs...and in the matter of a couple of years there has been a significant power shift in the Blood Dawn Pack from having an Archer son now holding the Alpha title of the Blood Dawn Pack but his chosen Beta is a direct inheritant to the Black Creek pack'a Alpha title, and now, to have another Archer child joining the ranks...some may see it as a possible invasion."

"That isn't the case at all Sirs." Royce said confidently. "My mother was a Highfield...she was their oldest child no less, I took her name when I rejected My father's offer to Alpha the Silver Junction Pack, as for Ryland as my Beta...I honestly didn't connect that he had Black Creek ties."

"We understand that and it will be our job to assure other packs that there's no ill-will...That being said, Raven Archer may stay where she is solely on the grounds that her mate is the packs Beta...just know that it's because of him that she stays otherwise we would have had no choice but to send her back to Silver Junction."

We wrapped up the meeting after that and Royce saw the Council Members out as Alpha Roy held me back in the office.

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