Jisung sighed and turned around, shutting the door behind him. "I guess I'm sleeping on the couch," he grumbled and made his way back to the living room.

Minho rolled around in his bed and yawner, stretching his arms above his head. "Ah—" he rubbed his head, "yuck, my head hurts." He mumbled and sat up, it didn't take him long to realize he wasn't in his own bed, yet alone his own home.

His eyes widened and he quickly looked down at himself, he was still fully clothed. So he wasn't stolen by some random stranger or went home with someone—but then who's house was this? He slowly got out of the bed and examined things around the room. Nothing he recognized. He must have been kidnapped—his life was over—who would tell his parents? Did his friends know? Did they let this happen? Were they apart of his kidnapping? Did they give him up for money? Please say that it was at least a good amount—interrupting his frantic thoughts, the bedroom door opened.

"Oh—you're awake uh, hi—"

Minho turned to the door to see who his kidnapper was and— "Jisung!?"

"Okay before you make any assumptions, let me explain—"

"You're my dumb kidnapper? Oh come on? Why couldn't it have been some attractive guy," Minho huffed and sat down on the bed, disappointed.

Jisung sighed, "you fell asleep at the club last night and you wouldn't wake up, the others opted out and I had to take you back home but I wasn't sure I could get you in so I took you to my house instead."

"Hm, some excuse coming from a kidnapper!!" Minho pointed at Jisung, accusing him yet again.

"I wasn't kidnapping you! You can go home whenever you want—"

"Right now."

"Okay, but my parents are home still so uh, can you wait like another hour until they go to work or something," Jisung awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Minho groaned and laid back on the bed, "fine, stupid."

"You're calling the guy who brought you home from a club—who could have very well just left you there to actually be kidnapped—stupid?" Jisung shut his bedroom door and went to sit on the bed next to Minho.

Minho took a few seconds to think about it before he actually answered, "yes."




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