Stage 15

492 21 14

That night I snuck back into the dojo.

My tears an inch thick and dropping down my face I stopped in front of the dojo door. "Do I want to go back?" I asked myself.

I turned against the door feeling the splinters of broken wood bore into my hands.

It wasn't the first time Ukyo lied to me. But it felt shallow and rude to find the boy that waltzed off with my heart throw it into the trash.

So when I went inside I made a B-line to my room and shut the door. In an angry swarm I trashed the room.

I was swept up in Ukyo. So swept up that my reasoning faltered and everything came crashing down on me. I can hear him now. "It's not what you think (Y/n) I was just helping her walk home." I punched the wall letting a picture on it come crashing down onto the floor.

In a fit of rage I packed up all of my stuff, tossed out my stuffed animals that Zac won for me and jumped out the window into the trees. I wan't going to go back. Maybe I can ask Chris to let me go with her back to BC SOL. But at the moment all I wanted to be was alone.

Alone was an understatement. I wanted to crawl into a ball under the little willow tree and stay there for eternity. I kept telling myself things would get better. But what good ever comes out of those who just don't care for you?

I ran down the hill in a fury and took the shortcut to the tree. In the dark I saw nothing but the outline of a house and then the tree. The house behind the tree but abandoned. The perfect place to stay the night. Crossing the bridge and past the willow I arrived at the house. Furnished and full it looked like someone once lived here.

The pictures were blank and the kitchen void of speech as if someone was supposed to light up the whole room with a single little laugh. I'd say hello and no one would answer.


The void was suddenly filled. My belongings found their places and my body found the comfort of the upstairs bedroom. The bed was soft and squishy devouring me in it's sheets. I smiled at the sight of the willow outside of my window.

As the sun came rising up the valley of chrysanthemums lit up and spread their lovely scent across the giant landscape.

In the distance the sound of baby birds crying lit up the soundless valley. Opening the window I was welcomed my sweet scents all around me. From the pollen of the flowers to the rich pine scent. Why would someone abandon their home. This place was beautiful. In the corner of my vision a small picture lit my vision up.

There was one child and one mother. They were both smiling but the girl's smiled looked nothing but embarrassed. It looked as if the two were going to a festival. Seeing as the two of them were in kimono's.

Both girls had long blue hair. I smiled. The two were so close. I looked around wanting to get a closer look at the house. No one came to the house anymore. I could tell from the dusty dressers and dusty clothes. Everything looked so nice. But what caught my attention was a little letter behind a blue scarf.

The letter said.

"To my dear and son,"

"Son?" I thought.

"As you may know time is hard but trust me my dear. I will return and I will be there to take a picture of you and our son by the entrance to the festival.

As to my son.

I have heard a lot of things since then, so my son's finally got himself a good group of friends. Trust me Uko, you shouldn't worry so much about-."

The name smudged unable to read.

"I think these friend of his will stay by his side even when we are not there for him." I smiled. Must have been a great group of friends.

The wind suddenly came to a stop. And the house yet again became warm. Deciding to walk around I found the kimono in the picture. "It fit her well." I thought aloud.I wondered what happened to the people who lived here. From all the pictures on the wall I could safely say that the man who wrote the letter was a professor abroad. He had lush blue eyes that reminded me of someone. The woman looked like she was a traveler and would go on business trips with her husband from time to time, she had lush blue hair that framed her face in a loving passion. The two of them were wearing white the mother in a white dress and veil. The man a white suit and the small boy another white suit to match his features.

Unmistakably the young boy in the picture had the traits of his mother and father and tended to grow his hair out. The boy had a bright smile while holding a origami ninja star in his hands while his mother and father smiled lovingly at him.

On the bottom held the parents names. " Ibuki Guren Iku." I said and then read the next. "Ibuki Uko." And at the bottom of the plaque it read. "May their young blood run through their genes."

I smiled and continued around the house. I started to find adorable items such as a stuffed bear and a ninja star.

I smiled and kept my distance from what looked like a young boy's room. It was blue, no surprise there. There was another picture of the boy in a purple coat, he had gotten his hair cut and it flowed over his eye, in the next was a picture of the mother and son this time his hair was longer. All of the pictures that lined the hall were pictures of the boy growing. Until.


A/N: I am very sorry for the wait. It was soooooooooooooooooooo long and my computer had stopped working on me so I had to use the schools. And worse of all it was during the summer and I couldn't write. Again sorry for the wait I hope the next chapter can make up for the chapter's that I haven't Published.

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