Stage 11

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It was driving me insane.

The flirting.

The giggles.

The forehead kisses!!

I could have handled it about a week ago but now. Now it went too far. She was everywhere. Everywhere!

My training with Free. Skateboard practices with Quon. Zac's singing lessons. Everywhere. I couldn't take it any longer. Angry as I was I still had tea with mother who eventually let Ruwei tag along. Saying that he has some "relationship issues" with Xander. So I've done his braid a couple of times.

It helps.

Today was one of those days. I headed over to my mother's house and sat down at the table Ruwei was making the tea and my mother was reading the new's paper. And that's where I sprung in.

"AHHHHH! They just won't quit." I launched myself into a chair. "Can't stand what?" My eye twitched. "Ukyo and Misami!" I said crossing my arms. Ruwei laughed. "Are you sure it's not because of you liking Ukyo?" I blushed and looked away. My mom smirked. "Ukyo is the blue one right?" Ruwei nodded.

"Today I made vanilla tea. Perfect for people in distress." Ruwei said handing me a cup. "Tell me, dear, how is Xander doing?" Mom asked Ruwei. He let out a sigh. "Still a goofball. But fine at the least." I made a kissing sound. Ruwei only slurped his tea. I laughed and drank mine. "Anyways. (Y/n) have you tried telling Ukyo that his love for Misami is bothering you quite a bit?" 

"Ha Ha. I just wish that Misami wasn't all up in my face about it." I said glumly. "So what I think you're saying here dear, is that you are jealous that Misami stole your guy." Mom said. "N-No!" 

Mom put the paper down and took a sip of her own tea. "Whatever you say, dear." I combed my fingers through my knotted (H/C) hair. "If I were you I would tell them to get out of your way," Ruwei said. I looked into my own cup and frowned upon the brown lukewarm water. "Here's the thing I can't." I slammed my hand's on the table almost tipping the teapot over. "I can't."

Mom and Ruwei exchanged looks. "Have you talked to Shu about this yet?" Ruwei asked bringing up the blader. "Actually I haven't hung out with the guy ever since I saw him on the night of the concert. Maybe I'll go talk to him." I wanted to change the subject a bit.

"What are your plans for the summer Ruwei?" I ask. He answered in a matter of seconds. "I might hang around the dojo go to the beach maybe travel a bit more before I go back to South America." I nodded. "Sounds like a plan. We should join you sometime." Mom said eating a cookie that was placed in front of her.

I looked at my watch on my hand and almost screamed. I had promised Chris I would meet her in the forest with Free today. "I have to go, guys, I promised I would meet someone about this time," I said rushing out the door.

"She knows we can read her like an open book right?" Mom asked as soon as I left. "She's hopeless." Ruwei agreed.

I ran and ran towards the clearing in the forest where I found the willow tree. Around it was a beautiful landscape a pond with lilies in it a white bridge leading across it and a field of different kinds of flowers that surrounded the willow. Under the willow tree sat Chris, Free, Shasa, and Trad. They (We) were supposed to have a picnic today so I agreed to join them.

Out of breath, I ran under the tree raising my hand in welcome. "Hey," I said catching my breath. Chris handed me a sandwich and I sat down. We ate in silence until Shasa ran around throwing jellybeans at us. "Hey let's play a game." Shasa said grabbing my hand. "What game?" Chris handed her a bottle. "How about spin the bottle but instead of kissing we tell the truth of whatever the person asks. If we lie then you have to be dunked into the pond."

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