Stage 4

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I awoke to the sound of birds chirping through my open window. I yawn and reach out for Feral, she glimmered at me. "Your right, I should get some more rest, I said to the bey. Flopping back down on my (F/C) sheets I closed my eyes again. 

'I wonder what Ukyo is up to.' I think to myself. "Rise and shine (Y/n)." I heard. Shu stood in the doorway a bento pack in his hands. He knelt down and rubbed my arm soothingly. "Here." He said setting the bento down.

I smiled at Shu, Yugo poked his head into the room. "Morning you two." He said, somewhere he picked up a stool. Sitting on it Yugo took a deep breath. Before he could utter a word Shu closed my door on him.

"Shu." I reprimanded. He sighed and opened the door. Yugo never stopped speaking continuing on with his rant. His hand was raised high in the air. "The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are." He took a breath and brought his hand down in a fist. "But how happy others can be because of you." Yugo closed the door making Shu and me sweatdrop in unison. When we opened it back up the stool was gone! Oh, and Yugo wasn't there too.

"Well, that was weird," I said staring Shu in the eyes. "Yeah maybe a little too weird if you ask me." I got up from the bed, Shu excused himself from the room to let me change in peace. I looked at my phone. More notifications popped up but I couldn't care less at the moment. Before I ran out I dressed in an(F/C) (Dress/T-shirt) and (F/C2) (Legging's/Jeans.)

Walking out of my room Shu waited for me. I held the bento in my hand and munched on it, on the way to the training room.

"Train with me today (Y/n)," Shu said. I shook my head no. "Sorry, Shu but I promised Ukyo I would train with him today. Maybe tomorrow. Though don't get me wrong I really want to train with you." I said smiling.

"Morning (Y/n)," I heard a familiar voice say. "Good morning, Ukyo," I said turning around to meet his turquoise eyes. Behind me, in the sight, only Ukyo could see, Shu glared at him. His eyes aflame with jealousy.

The lights then dimmed. And a spotlight shone on a stool. Yugo came and sat there looking at Ukyo, Shu and I. Ukyo and Shu groaned simultaneously. "Shh," I said.

"Some people will try to expose what's wrong with you," Yugo pointed to the three of us, raised his slowly opening hand. "Because they can't stand what's right about you." The dojo clapped. Yugo got up and bowed smiling to the crowd. The lights shut off and when the lights turned back on, the stool was gone! AGAIN! That and Yugo was nowhere to be seen.

"I swear Ukyo, Yugo is more of a ninja than you," I said smiling at him. He smiled back. Shu took notice and gestured to the unused stadium in-front of us. "Oh right! It has been a while since I beat you (Y/n). Are you sure you still want to challenge me?" I smirked and punched his arm. "You bet I am," I said holding up Feral Phoenix.

We got into our positions. I attached Feral Phoenix to my launcher, Ukyo did the same to his.




Let it rip!" We both yell in unison. Feral, heated with sparks aflame came hurdling toward Unicrest at an alarming amount of speed. Ukyo's defense type wobbled but didn't fall. "I won't let you win this time. Feral Phoenix spread your firey wings and fly!" I yell out.

"Let's end this. Unicrest!" Ukyo said, his hand outstretched. Feral flew out of the stadium with a ring-out finish.

I set Feral on my launcher again. 'Come on now I know you don't want to lose.' I tipped the end of my launcher toward the middle.




Let it rip!" You yell out. Both beys met in the middle. A hit, then another, then another when. You cheered and smiled. "Burst finish goes to (Y/n) (L/n). Won the match with two to one!" Shu said. "I did it! Yeah! Great job Feral! We just need to train harder to get to the top." Feral glimmered.

My phone vibrated with a text.

From (S/n):

I hope you're enjoying, your little messages. Everyones has seen it, no need to hide.

I sighed, "I need more training to beat them." I murmured.

"I'll train you."

I looked up Shu glared at Ukyo menacingly. "What are implying?" Shu said.

I smiled. "Thank you so much, Ukyo." Shu looked at me, "I'll help train you too."

Feral Phoenix shined at the three of us. "If you guys want to help me I should come clean," I held out my phone to them. Relentless hurtful messages popped on the screen. "Shu remember (S/n)." He nodded frowning. "Guess who started this ordeal," I said logging into social media, more messages filled my inbox.

Ukyo said nothing, his head fixed to the floor below him. "Ukyo? Are you doing alright?" I ask. He picked up his head and smiled. "Yeah, I'm great!" I giggled, raised my hand to his cheek. His head leaned into my hand. I looked into his turquoise eyes with my (E/C) orbs. Ukyo started fidgeting. "(Y/n), could you uh... possibly remove your hand please?"

Realizing what I had just done I quickly retrieved my hand from his face. "S-Sorry," I mumbled. He nodded. I couldn't help but notice his worried glance.

The next thing I knew a boy with blonde hair with black highlights came through the door with a broken skateboard. "Gotta go (Y/n), Valt says he needs to show us something," Shu said looking at his phone. "Alright," I said messing up his hair. "Have fun!" I yelled out to Shu as he ran out the door."Oh! And watch out for the ditch in front of the do-" I heard a thud. "Jo." Then out of nowhere, Shu screamed out"Who in their right minds puts a ditch three yards away from the dojo, tell me who is responsible!"

I giggled and turned my attention to the blonde boy. "Oh, Hello!" I said. He ignored me and went straight to Ukyo, handed him the skateboard and nodded. Ukyo sighed walking out of the room to get some tools.

I watched him leave and turned back to the boy, He wore a jacket over a shirt with a serpent on it. I went back to training. 'Maybe tonight I'll run with Shu.' I thought.

"Hey, you know Shu Kurenai right?" He asked me, I nodded. "Nice to meet you my name is Quon." He said. "(Y/n) (L/n)" We shook hands.

The lights shut off again. "What?"

Then the lights landed on us. (F/s, Music) played from an unknown source.

"Dang it, Xander! Wrong couple!" Yugo yelled at Xander. I looked at Quon silently questioning what they just said. Quon only shrugged and the lights turned back on.

Ukyo stood in the doorway, smiling. He passed the skateboard to Quon. "I couldn't reattach the wheel. Sorry."

"Let me take a look," I said. Quon handed the skateboard to me. I grasped the wheel and popped it back on with a little more force than I had intended. Ukyo tightened the bolt holding the wheel so it couldn't come off again and gave it back to Quon. His eyes widened at it. But in the same cool tone said "(Y/n), Ukyo. Thanks."

"Xander, I'll be back. I'm going to try out my new skateboard," He said putting a helmet on his head. "Oh, and when I return we're gonna have a talk about that little scene that happened to me and (Y/n). But anyway see ya."

He rode his skateboard out of the dojo. "Quon! Watch out for the ditch!" I yelled out. He successfully avoided it. Quon looked back at me and waved. But the unlikeliest thing happened. Quon successfully hit a tree branch.

We all turned away. "He'll be fine right?" We all looked at Xander. "Yes, probably, maybe?"

We turned to look at him.

"So what was, with that scene?"

A/n I am sorry it may be too oc. I hope you are enjoying my writing. Feel free to critic me in the comments! Thank you!

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