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- Errors Pov -

I winced at the pain that made my bones ache as I slowly blinked open my eyes, my vision blurry at first. I rubbed my eye-sockets with my fists and looked around, noticing I was in a bed in a large room. 'Shit' I thought, remembering this room to be in the mansion. I pulled the blanket off me, only for my eyes to widen at the bandages around many of my bones, which I presumed were the ones that were broken. 'Nightmare... I'm sorry' I felt my body start to shake and glitch as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I know I shouldn't have stayed with them, but I hated it here. Not my friends, Killer, Dust, Horror and Cross. Not even Nightmare himself, but the way he makes me feel.





I shook the thoughts away as I got out of the queen-sized bed. "AH!-" I yelped, as my legs immediately gave out under my wieght. I was waiting a few seconds for the pain of my broken body hitting the hard floor, but that feeling never came. Instead, a pair of strong arms caught me and pulled me towards a warm chest. I opened my eyes, only to see Nightmare smiling gently down at me. I would've normally started shaking and wimpering in fear at him being so close, and with me in such a weak state. But at this moment, all I wanted was someone to hold me and tell me everything was going to be ok. I snuggled into his chest without thinking, and as if he heard my thoughts, started wispering, "Shhh... It's ok, Error... Everything's going to be ok..." Then, I felt his non-existent lips peck the top of my skull, and I purred quitely, letting him carry me to what I assumed was downstairs.

- Dreams Pov -

I flinched as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Currently, I was sitting on a couch in my twin brothers mansion, his gang, aswell as Reaper, were sitting all around me. Well, on this couch sat Ink and Blue, the gang were sitting elsewhere in the livingroom. Killer and Horror shared a couch, while Dust sat in one of the armchairs. Reaper was cooly leaning against a wall near Dust. I was scared, yes. But I had my two best friends sitting right beside me, even if one was passed out. Yes, I'm talking about Blue. I've been healing him for the past hour, but they told me he was well enough for me to take a break, so that's what I was doing. Ink looked like he wanted to talk to me, but couldn't infront of Nightmares group, so we were sitting in silence since we were brought here. I still have no idea why we're here, but I cared less about what happens to me, and more about if Error was ok.

Soon enough, the footsteps I had heard a few seconds ago became louder and I looked towards the stairs, only to let out a choked gasp as I saw Nightmare. And that wasn't even the most surprising thing I saw, on top of that, Error was laying asleep in his arms. His body was covered in bandages, and he looked like he was slightly shaking from the pain. I felt the urge to jump up and take Error away from my brother, but was stopped as I heard Ink talk for the first time since we arrived. "What did you do to Error!?-" He yelled, glaring daggers at Nightmare. Nightmare seemed to pause in his steps, realizing we were here. I assumed he must've sensed my magic, but probably didn't expect his group to get all of us. A smirk made its way across my brother's face, as he walked into the livingroom, leaving Inks question unanswered.

Suddenly, the awkward and dark aura in the room lightened, surprisingly because of Nightmare. "Senpai! Cross squeaked, jumping up and tackle-hugging Nightmare a second after he placed Error on an open couch. He had ran into the livingroom from the kitchen a long way across the mansion after he heard Ink say Nightmares name, somehow. "C-Cross!" Nightmare yelped, not expecting that. He stumbled back, but regained his balance in time for Cross to let go and smile warmly up at my brother. "Sorry, Nighty!" He chirped, sitting down on the couch with Killer and Horror. Nightmare sighed, and to my surprise, said, "... It's fine, Cross. Just don't do it again!" Cross had nodded vigorously, slightly surprised that Nightmare hadn't scolded him. The others in the room seemed just as surprised, even Nightmare gang. "Whats gotten into you?" Dust asked, a smirk playing on his face as he saw Nightmare blush a bit. "Nothing....Shut up!" He hissed at Dust. Dust laughed a bit, Horror and Killer doing the same after listening to the reply.

I looked over to my side to see Ink staring worriedly at Error, and I realized I felt the same. "Um.... Brother?" I called out to Nightmare, cutting him off from yelling at Dust. He looked over at me, sighing. "Yes, Dream?" He asked, waiting for me to continue. At this point everyone in the room, except for Blue and Error, were staring at us. How was this reunion going to go? "....First of all," I started, feeling some bottled up anger start to seep out in the form of sass. "Why are we here? Why did Killer, Cross and Reaper kidnap us?" I realized I hissed as I spoke, glaring at my brother. He seemed slightly taken aback by my tone of voice, and I heard a few 'Oooh's from the couch Killer, Horror and Cross sat. Neither the less, he answered. "I told them to bring you here, because I need someone to heal Error. And I need to get answers..." He mumbled the last bit, but I managed to catch it. I nodded slowly, looking over at Error for a moment before continuing. "Ok, second of all..." I motioned over to the small, glitched figure on the couch I was looking at a second ago. "What did you do to Error?"

I noticed his group watching Nightmare aswell as me and Ink, and saw his tentacles twitch uncomfortably at all the eyes trained on him. "....I-" He was cut off by a wimper from the couch I was sitting on, now all eyes were trained this way and I felt myself also looked to my side, only to see Blue waking up. "Blue!" Inks exclaimed happily, hugging the small blue skeleton gently as to not hurt him. Blue, non-the-less, flinched and gently pushed Ink away, only for me to take the creators place and hug Blue, my positive aura washing over him. He didn't stir, so I let go and looked at him in slight concern, only to notice him staring worriedly at another person. I followed his gaze to see him staring at Error, who was now slowly waking up.

- Nightmares Pov -

I saw my brother and Blue staring at the couch behind me, anxiousness clear in their expressions. Everyone else began to stare too, so finally I turned around, only to see Error sitting up, looking at sleepily up at me. He didn't seem to notice anyone else but me, and said, "..Mm....Nightmare?...What time is it?..." I felt my heart flutter at his adorable half-asleep mumbling, and sat down next to him. To everyone's surprise, especially my brothers for some reason, I pulled him gently onto my lap and kissed his forehead. He purred and nuzzled into my chest for warmth. "....E-Error?.." Dream almost wispered, disbelief lacing his voice. I couldn't help but smirk as I sensed jealously coming off my brother in waves as I mumbled sweet nothings to my Error.

My group seemed to have many questions aswell, but knew well enough to stay quiet. I took a glance at Cross, to see him glaring intensely at the glitchy skeleton in my arms, but I noticed violet-tinted tears in the corners of his eyes. Blue, Ink, and especially Dream were all glaring at me with pure hatered like I did something to make Error love me.

The best part?

I didn't.

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