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A/N: Hiya! I'm back, so here's the chapter I promised. I am so very sorry for the long wait, hopefully this will make up for it. Please don't hate me for this chapter XD Enjoy!


- Dreams Pov -

He's gone.

Error is gone.

Me, Ink and Blue have been waiting in the livingroom for what seemed like eternity, clinging onto the hope that Error was ok. At first we thought he must've just summoned that portal we saw in his room, but.... Ink pointed out that it wasn't glitching like Errors normal portals. So, who took him? Where was Error? Was..... Was he with Nightmare?....

I shook my head from these thoughts, looking over at a worried Blue and an Ink with no expression. I flinched at I saw Ink's eyes. The emotionless eyes I knew far too well.

I opened my mouth, about to try and encourage positive thoughts, but suddenly I froze at the sound of a hard knock at the door I was sitting only a few feet away from.

Was that Error?

I saw Inks worried face and turned to follow the direction of his eyes, when I saw Blue rushing over to the door. I guess he shared my hopeful thoughts, as he squeaked "Error!" Unknowingly, before swinging the door open and becoming frozen in place at what he saw.






And the God of Death.

I immediately shook my fear away and jumped out of my seat, seeing in the corner of my eye that Ink had done the same only to realize we were both too late.

My eyes widened as a bright flash of red seemed to appear in slow motion as Blue slowly fell back, a large crimson slash on his light blue clothes.

I felt tears starting to run down my face. I wiped my cheek and looked down at the golden liquid now on my hand.

I could see Reapers scythe through my blurred vision, covered in red.

What just happened?

- Errors Pov -


That's all I could see.

I must've fallen asleep in my room, only to be moved somewhere else. This place was much colder then my room, so I knew I was somewhere else.

But, why is it so dark?

I tried to move my arms and take whatever was on my face off, but they seemed to be held back above my head by chains at my wrists.

Where was I? Why am I chained to the wall like there was a reason I might want to escape?

I heard what sounded like a very old iron door opening and then closing behind someone who walked in.

I could hear their footsteps coming closer, but I couldn't see them because of what I assumed was a scarf wrapped around my eyes. For a moment, I tried to use my magic to teleport.

Suddenly... pain.

That's all I could feel.

I screamed. It felt like a strong bolt of electricity burned through my wrists, echoing like flames throughout my body.


Why did it hurt so much?

I felt something familiar lift my chin up. I wimpered, and the other seemed to chuckle darkly at my fear.

I felt my blindfold get removed, but I kept my eyes shut at the fear of what might've been standing infront of me.

Then, I heard it. The low, dark voice of my captor. The person I hoped and prayed it wasn't.


"Hello, Error." Nightmares voice showed he knew I could do nothing. I was powerless. And he was the only person who could set me free.

The question is... Would he?

Would he really let me go? Wasn't he the one who put me here?

I opened my eyes to look up at him, my body shivering from the cold and pain that still stung my wrists.

He was smiling, his icy blue stare brought a shiver down my spine. It made sense now. My fear. He was gaining power from my fear of him.

His smile seemed to widen at my look of realisation, and I could've sworn I saw determination in the glow of his eye.

A tentacle suddenly wrapped around my neck and slammed my head against the hard wall behind me. I yelped, closing my eyes tightly and trying to ignore the pain in the back of my skull, now wet with blood.

He growled and grabbed one of my arms that was being held up by the restraints. I started glitching from the contact, shivering as I opened my eyes to see a smirk on his face.


My arm broke from his grip and I immediately tried to scream, only for my mouth to be covered by a tentacle, him smiling down at me.

I felt tears run down my cheeks over my permanent blue tear marks, my eyes starting to get clouded with error signs.

"....N-Nightmare.." I managed to wimper, after he moved the tentacle away from my mouth.

"Yes, Error?..." He wiped my cheek clean of tears, only for more to fall in their place. "...W-why...." I mumbled, my voice breaking into a small coughing fit before continuing. ".....W-why a-are you hurting m-me...?" I tried my best to keep my words clear as I shivered from the pain.

He smirked at my attempt at talking, kneeling down to hear better. "What was that?"

I took a deep breath, calming myself, and started speaking again. "...Why are you hurting m-me?..." I started to wimper again, the pain coming back.

"Oh, Error....~" He purred, lifting my chin with his thumb and index finger to look up at him. "This is just the small price you have to pay for betraying me...."

Suddenly, it all went dark.

-??? Pov-

I walked across the dead land of what used to be DreamTale, watching my feet as ash and dust stained my shoes grey. Not that they weren't grey already.

I sighed as I looked up to see the familiar dark mansion in the distance, wondering if anyone was awaiting my return.

I saw the dark clouds, forever stained by the day this land became covered in death. My grey hoodie blew off as the soft wind, that carried the smell of decay, whistled through the air.

I stopped, staring up at the mansion now infront of me. I knocked at the door and a minutes later, I heard footsteps inside running down what I assumed was the stairway.

The door opened, and Horror smiled brightly as he saw me.

"Welcome back, Dust!"


Word count: 1135 words.

A/N: Well that was alot of work! XD I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if you probably hate me now :'3 Sorz-

Have a great day!

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