Buzz kill

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I rush down the stairs of the school while dialing Deans number again. No answer.

"This is my other, other cell, so you know what to do." Beeeeep.

"Dean, call me back, NOW!" I snap the phone shut, what the hell happened to him? I run back to the diner, which isn't that far away, Its already dark out but the impala is no where in sight, the old couple should have dropped it off all ready. I run into the diner, getting an eyeful from the locals while I run my gaze over all the tables, but no cigar. Dean isn't here. I go up the cashier.

"Have you seen a 25-ish looking guy, spiked hair, permanent scowl on his face?"

"The one who looks like he's seen Hell?" I almost laugh at the irony but nod my head.

"Ya, that one."

"You just missed him, the Sheriff tugged him outta here real fast." His southern accent shining through.

"Thanks, and the sheriff station would be...?"

"Just down the road, its a pretty small town."

"I realized, thanks for the help." I smile at him and rush out of there, jogging down to where he said it would be. I get there soon enough, I see a uniform throw two body bags in the back of his pick up truck. I whip out my gun and walk towards the car, careful not to be seen, but before I can get close enough to get a clean shot off, the car tears into gear, heading towards the local vineyard. Which makes perfect sense since the Vanir God is all about crops.

I look around my surroundings, how the hell am I supposed to get to Dean if I have no car? The old couple is definitely in it since our car never came.

I walk around the police station and see a old looking BMW. I rush over to it, hoping in. I've seen dean hot wire a few cars, I'm sure I can do it.

15 minutes later

"GOD DAMMIT!!!" I CANT DO IT! How hard can it be to make the engine start?! I throw my hands up, hitting the top of the car, something topples out of the visor. I slowly look down to my lap where I felt it drop.

The keys.

"You've got to be joking." I let out a laugh and jam the keys into the ignition, once I twist it, the car starts right up.

I press all the way down on the gas pedal, the engine whines in protest but obeys. I finally get to the vineyard. Its pitch black and I can barely see a thing, but I'm almost 100% positive that Dean is here. I jump out and flip my phone open and turn the flashlight on. The more I venture into the yard, the louder the voices get. Ones definitely Dean, but the other I don't recognize, its feminine.

"Whats the plan?" I hear her say.

"I'm still thinking!" Oh Dean. I jog the rest of the way to them, Dean yells as I come into view.

"I'm not that ugly, am I?" I joke, bending over to cut his ropes first.

"Maverick! Oh thank God!" I then turn and notice that the girl is Emily, from the old couples place. I cut her ropes too.

"Guys, its the God Vanir, you were the sacrifice." I tell them, handing my extra gun to Dean who obviously had his taken.

"Good job Honey, too bad you'll be an extra sacrifice this year." We all twist around to see the whole Evil squad in front of us. Including the Old Couple, I knew it!!

"Why are you doing this? We're family!" Emily cries out, but the old women doesn't look fazed.

"That's what a sacrifice is dear. We need to keep the God happy, he makes this town flourish." I shake my head at her.

"Why kill? If you want to live somewhere nice, just move to Fiji or something Lady!" I shout out, holding my gun up to her, I'm not afraid to shoot her, although, she doesn't seem to think so.

"You wont kill me." I snort and press my finger down on the trigger, but before I can press all the way down, The old lady is speared with a knife. I shoot at the God who's the culprit. He hooks his knife in her husband and drags them away before anyone can try to help.

"Holy Crap."


We burned the tree to kill Vanir and saw Emily off, she's off to travel the world.

Now me and Dean are crammed into a rusty old car, he's teaching me how to hot wire.

"Okay, now all you need to do is cut this wire-" He snips a blue one, then a red. "Push them together andddd....." The engine roars to life. Let me tell you, that looks easier then it is.

"Got it?" He asks, climbing out of the small car. I nod my head, crawling out after him.

"Got it-" My foot catches on the seat, I fall onto Dean, who falls onto the ground, me on top. My breath hitches, and I look from his lips to his eyes and lick my lips in anticipation. I lean in, but as soon as our lips are just about to touch, a phone rings and we jump apart in surprise. He grunts before flipping his phone open and hitting the speaker on.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Dean? I think I killed someone." Sam's voice echoes through the speaker.


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