Morning star part 2

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We all sit there in silence,

"Is that why the angels are trying to get me?" I ask Castiel.

"No." I wait for him to continue,

"Well?" He looks from me to Dean

"Can she be trusted?" Dean rolls his eyes,

"Yes Cas, we haven't killed her yet."

"Yet?!" I exclaim, we're they planning on killing me when I wasn't prepared?

"Joking Maverick, joking." Dean laughs at my facial expression. Jerk

"There are many reasons for why many creatures are trying to kill you, the demon heritage is only one." The monotone Angel tells me.

"What are the other reasons?! And why did I have a star shoved into my insides?!"

"You are not going to be able to sleep for the rest of your existence."

"What?" Dean beats me in talking first.

"Lucifer is now able to find you in your dreams and can inflict real pain on you, it is not fake anymore. As long as you sleep, you are in great fear of dying."

"I'm in great fear of dying from lack of sleep!" I yell, this Angel is a nut case! Completely insane, straight from loony town, bat shit crazy-

"Well then what do we do Cas?" And Dean actually believes him...Wow. Why are all of my friends insane? Maybe it's me, maybe it's cause I'm half demon.... I'm half demon.... half evil... I'm probably going to kill one of them sooner or later.

I rub my temples, "So what... I'm going to snap one day and kill everyone I love?" They cease their on going conversation and all look to me.

"No, you won't" Dean says in a softer voice then usual, walking over to me but is interrupted,

"Actually the probability of that happening is a good chanc-"

"Cas!" Sam interrupts him.

"Oh yes sorry, you want me to lie... You will never kill anyone as long as you live." He gives me a smile to make me feel better, but it is one creepy smile, like he's a sadistic son of a bitch.

"You have to excuse Cas, he... isn't attuned to human emotions." Dean tells me, I hear a weird flutter and look around the room,

"Where did Castiel go?" I demand, walking over to the bathroom to check if he walked in there when I wasn't looking.

"He does that alot, transports outta here in the middle of a very very deep conversation- it's extremely irritating. YOU HEAR THAT CAS? IRRITATING!" He yells up to the weird!

"This is bad... right?" I look up at them, they don't look like they're freaking out or anything... or did they already decide that they plan on kicking me out of their little duo?

"I mean not really, it's only half demon and that's pretty much what Sammy is." I snap my wide eyes to Sam.

"What!?" He looks a little uncomfortable, I guess people don't like getting their evil pointed out.

"Not exactly... but, uh, I have demon blood running through my veins, so you could say half demon if you want, but I'm not bad or anything." He reassures me on the last part,

"So that means that you're going to be fine and Sam and I help you get through it, so will Bobby. He'd never admit it but, you definitely grew on him the first time you came over." Ok. so maybe this won't be so bad, I only have only God knows how many angels searching for me, and only The Devil knows how many demons searching for me. Joy to the freaking world.

"Wait, so does this mean God wants me dead? Like the big kahuna?"

"Actually, hears some new info you don't get everyday- Big man's missing, putting some lousy arch angels in his place. If he was alive, no way he'd let the apocalypse start." God's missing? What the hell, no wonder the end of the world is coming!

"I don't know guys, shouldn't you guys just... kick me to the curb, I mean now your gonna have both sides coming for you." I try to reason with them, I don't want the two boys I love the most in the world to die cause of me... wait did I just say Love? Never mind, Like, the two boys I like the most in the world...

"Some more news that we keep on forgetting to tell you," Dean gives me a smile,

"I'm Michelle's true vessel, so the angels are coming for us already,"

"And I happen to be Lucifer's true vessel, so the demons are already coming for us too, not like that's ever changed but..." They both shrug their shoulders. I pause for a second before I respond,

"So you're saying, that you are both wanted by Heaven and Hell?" They both give me a nod,

"Well, count me in boys." They both hooray and smile at me before Dean gives us all a beer,

"And then it was three." We clink our glasses, and drink our worries away for the night.



THUMP THUMP THUMP I wake up to a pounding headache, ugh, Dean just never stopped giving us beers! That is until he pulled out the whiskey, then it just went all down hill from there... at least for me.

"Look whose finally awake! For Dean's brother, you really can't hold your liquor buddy." God her voice is so loud, and the lights are so bright.

I give a groan and I hear two people laughing. Jerk's.

"Hear, take it." Some one hands me two pills and some water. I get up and look around the hotel room, it was trashed when we started drinking, and now it looks freaking spotless. Maverick must have seen my confusion,

"While you were snoring to death, I cleaned."

"What was Dean doing..?"

"Watched me bend over..." Dean gives me a shrug and a smirk, perv.

"Well, we should get outta hear now that you're awake." Dean says, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder.

"Wait, guys do you hear that?" Maverick asks, walking around the room, putting her ears up to the wall.

"Hear what?" Dean questions, walking over to her with curiosity and concern,

"It sounds like people are whispering..." She walks to the other side of the room,

"What are you talking about? There's no one ther-" Then a ringing starts to drum out, I grab my ears, thinking it's just cause of my hangover. Until it gets louder and louder, and then Dean starts to bend over in pain too. But Maverick just stands their in confusion, looking up at the windows and mirrors as they start to shake and then break.

"What do you want!?" Maverick screams up to the air, why isn't she in pain? The glass all shatters, and Dean mutters one word before we both pass out,



Whatcha think? :)

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