Chapter 32: Investigation

Start from the beginning

However, before she got to any of that, Koko knew that she needed more information. If she wanted to stop people being unfairly robbed of their possessions, then not only would she have to look into Father Celdric, but also Christina again. She didn't know what kind of relationship that the two shared, and it was entirely possible for Christina to side with the man, even if she seemed to regret what she was doing. However, Koko didn't think that the girl would do that. A person that didn't regret what they'd done wouldn't have attempted to help the kid in the street, after all.

Wondering just where she could go to get all of this information, Koko sighed as she only thought of one place that may have been keeping tabs on the subject. And after coming to a decision, she began walking through the streets on her way to the castle while hoping that she wouldn't have to encounter her long-time stalker. Though even if she did, this was more important, and Koko wanted to help the people that were being victimized.

Heading to the castle, Koko couldn't help but once again marvel at the towers as they loomed imposingly overhead. Though, she had to pay attention to where she was stepping as she started walking across the castle's moat and the wooden drawbridge that allowed access across it. And when she did, she suddenly had to look up at the spears in front of her as she was halted by the guards at the front gates.

"Halt. State your name and business within the castle." The guards demanded and they crossed their spears and denied her entry, and Koko was actually surprised as they treated her like an adult intruder rather than a lost child as she'd figured that they would have.

"Koko Cryner, Second Daughter of Baron Benson Cryner and friend to Prince James Trion." Koko introduced herself. "I'm here to see Ganton."

"Do you have proof of identity?" The guard asked, and Koko was once again thankful of her adventurers card as she showed it to the man and he nodded to himself before she found herself being led inside. And rather than heading towards the throne room like she had last time, she was instead escorted in the opposite direction before she entered what she guessed was one of the castle's many wide towers. However, instead of going up the tower like she'd thought she was going to, the guards led her down the stairs underground until the sunlight from the windows above eventually disappeared. Now, the only light in the area was being produced from the torches along the walls, and Koko almost felt as if she were being taken prisoner before they finally reached a large room filled with desks that all had mountains of paperwork stacked on top of them. And even though there was almost a hundred workers inside, everything was eerily quiet as she walked inside and her footsteps began echoing throughout the space.

"This is as far as we can lead you.... Ganton is at the far end." One of the guards stated nervously, looking around the room like a frightened rabbit before both of them retreated and closed the wooden door lightly behind them as the left. Now that they were gone, Koko felt as if they'd just left her to the wolves as everyone in the room seemed to stop working on their paperwork all at the same time and turned to stare at her. And with all of their eyes shining in the torchlight, the situation seemed incredibly creepy before Koko took a hesitant step forward. Though, when she did, she only just now noticed something.

In front of her, the entire floor was completely covered in dust with what looked like some kind of ink underneath of it, almost as if it were a trap for any intruders. And after spotting it, Koko then noticed several scattered desks along her path that seemed to be strangely empty before she smiled to herself as she figured out what this was. And so, after the discovery of the trap, Koko braced herself and finally started jumping from desk to desk, careful to both avoid the floor as well as to make as little noise as possible until she finally reached the far end of the room where a small area in front of the door there had been cleared from the dust and ink. Though when she got there, the door opened automatically and Ganton appeared in front of her, eyeing her cynically.

"Not many pass our test, and even less than that pass it without even knowing that there's a test to begin with." Ganton nodded at her approvingly. "If you ever grow tired of your strange techniques, come and see me. You may have potential as a rogue."

"Thanks, but that's not what I'm here for this time." Koko replied, hoping to kill his cold expression with her smile.

"Then what are you here for?" Ganton asked, seemingly unaffected.

"I need a favor." Koko answered.

"While you may be worth something in the future, there is currently no benefit from helping the second daughter of a Baron." Ganton sighed before he started closing the door which most likely led into his office.

"Even if this favor may expose corruption at our local temple?" Koko asked, knowing that the church and the kingdom were almost always at odds with each other seeing as the two almost at the same amount of power within the kingdom. And as she added that last bit of information, the door to Ganton's office suddenly stopped closing before she heard him sigh again from behind it.

"I suppose that I can at least listen..." Ganton replied.

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