"I am getting really tired of having to come and visit you meeting in Hospital rooms."

"Yeah. Me too. I should start paying rent or something" My voice sounded hoarse. He took a glass of water with a small straw in it. He held it to my lips and I gulped down a few sips.

"I am going to try my hardest to keep you out of them from now on." He leaned across and kissed me gently on the forehead.

"Do you know anything about Skye? Have they told you anything? And what about Edith? Is she okay?"

"Skylar is still in surgery. They would not tell me why or how long it will take. Edith is sleeping in the room next to yours. I checked on her about an hour ago or so while they were still busy asking you questions."

A lot of people say that everything happens for a reason. I have never really understood or believed it. What was the reason behind my father committing suicide? What good came out of that? What was the reason behind my mother dating Goliath? What was the reason for my brother and me living the life that we have?

I have none of the answers. I have found out one thing that happened for a reason. The fact that we met Edith Cyres.

"Did he...Did he hurt her really bad?"

"I honestly don't know. She has a bandage on her cheek and a few lesions here and there. That was all that I could visibly see."

"This is all my fault." The dam that was my emotions finally broke and the tears fell like a waterfall. He held me as I cried into his shoulder.

"You did nothing wrong."

"Yes I did...I started a fight with Skye...I...Goliath..." I could not complete a sentence without sobbing.

I cannot really remember everything that happened after I was hit in the head. I was in and out of consciousness. After I woke up in the Hospital the Doctor told me how a brave young girl put her own life in danger to save ours. Whenever I thought of Edith, I always thought that she was bold, but to be honest I never really thought that she had even one strong bone in her body, yet she saved us. If we never met Edith, then both of us would be dead right now.

"What if he doesn't make it Tyler?"

"He will make it."

"How can you be sure? The last thing I remember...is Goliath...choking...him...He was not breathing..." I did not want to think about what happened before Edith showed up. How can one man be so evil?

Edith was the one who called the police on her cell phone.

She showed up at our house and saw what Goliath was doing through the window. As she spoke to the police Goliath saw her and she quickly gave them the details. Instead of running away the thirty seconds it took Goliath to storm out of the house, she stood there and waited for him. I think she knew that if she ran away that Goliath would have killed us.

She was with us in that house for twenty minutes or so before the Police showed up. Who knows what he did to her during that time.

Tyler kept me close to him until the sobs quieted down. He touched the top of my head and I winced. It was definitely going to leave a scar.

"On the plus side, if it looks like a lightning bolt you could always change your name to McKenzie Potter and you could be like Harry Potter's long lost daughter or something." The fact that I have actually read all seven of the books more than once is a secret I will carry to my grave.

There was an awkward silence before he spoke again.

"I am just so happy that you are alive McKenzie. I cannot imagine a life without you in it."

"Don't get all corny"

"I promise I will stop after this last part. I know that usually people take longer before they say this and we have not been dating for a long time, but I need to tell you this, I love you Mac."

"Oh crap. You are going to make me cry all over again you idiot." I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. I never imagined that anyone other than my brother could actually love me. "I love you too you geek." The words sounded foreign yet comfortable as it slipped from my lips.

He leant in and kissed me softly on the lips.

I feel like I have been given a second chance at life and I am not going to waste a second of it. 

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