"What I think it means-" he placed his arm on her shoulder. "Is that I'm getting a green card."

"Amber. Maybe even red." She let his arm drop off. "I'm saying, yeah, I could need some friends. And you seem friendly enough." She chuckled slowly. "Friendly enough with Vanessa as well, yes?"

Hercules immediately looked shocked. "You heard about that?"

"This is Disney. Who didn't?"

"She came unto me..."

Meg interrupted by bursting into a fit of laughter. "Why should I need explanations? Even a blind guy could see what happened there. Don't stress yourself."

"Ah, Master Zeus." Hades suddenly hissed out of nowhere. "So, this...uh...young lady is the reason you don't wish to join us in the competition."

Hercules turned quickly to his coach, heart in mouth. He only eased when Meg's voice replied, as cool as a cucumber. "Hey Hades."

"Miss Megara. What was that surname of yours again?"

"You two know each other?"
The redhead asked.

"My 7th grade tutor." She leaned forward to his ear. "A huge prick too."

"It is quite nice to come across your path once more." The cold look in his eyes, however said otherwise.

"You became a coach. Wow. How upgrading." She giggled.

"I heard you failed the SATs last year. How plausible of you to try again. Disney and their ever welcoming charity." Hades replied with similar cynicism.

Megara glowered. Hercules just looked at the two parties. "Tough love, huh?"

"You better get into the vehicle right now, Zeus." Hades ordered and marched back.

"Don't mind him. He's got a way with words, yes?" Meg smirked.

"Aren't you weird?"

"You wanna get used to it?"

"Oh, hell yeah."

"You best get back to that bus of yours. You've given me some pretty stressful things to think about now." She stood on her tiptoes and waved her hand over his head, as if sprinkling powder over his head. "I bestow upon you God's blessings and promises of a safe trip to and fro. In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
She smiled and made the Sign of the Cross.

"Well, bringing God into the case makes it legal."

"Just take it. This should be fun."

"Goodbye then." He gave her a quick laugh then hurried back.

Meg shook her head. Yup, it should be fun. How bad could dating be?
Could probably be better than her last ones.

She smiled all the while on her way to the Church, she didn't even notice someone stop abruptly in front of her.

"Are you alright?" Mulan suddenly asked.

Meg stopped. Mulan was right in front of her. It seemed like she had almost bumped into Mulan on her little mind journey.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking."

"Oh. Okay then." Mulan shrugged and prepared to put the headphones back over her ears and continue with her jogging when Meg blurted out.

"Hey. Aren't you that girl in the Basketball team?"

"Well, yeah I am. Problem?"

"Not really. But aren't you supposed to go with them?"

"With them to where?"

"To some big game. I didn't ask against whom."

"Must be the one against Pixar," she shrugged. "It was cancelled. Until next year."

"Cancelled? But they were all boarding a bus right now. I guess it's going." Meg pointed over her shoulder.

Sure enough, both girls could see the Disney bus was already leaving the school gate.

"No way." Mulan whispered to herself.

"Maybe it's something different."

"Was Coach Hades there?"

"The bastard sure was." Meg grinned but her face went neutral once she saw the devastating look on Mulan's face.

"Did they look like they were going for days?"

"Er, yeah. With bags and everything. Like a short journey."

Mulan didn't say more. She just stood right there, inhaling and exhaling.
Her eyes didn't leave the gate where the bus had just gone through.

"I should...I should go. I'm running late." Meg quickly and slyly left the uncomfortable scene.

Whatever had she said to make that girl go mute?

So, I have a new song to sing....

'Rate, Vote, Comment'.

That's it. Hope you love the song. Might be a new anthem.


Walt Disney Academy ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz