Chapter Seven: One, Two, Three, Jump.

Começar do início

"So, the rest of us are just going to drown in the rain? Get your ass in the store, sis." We all filed into the store after Angie.

The second Jake, who wasn't hidden because he had taken the hood of his jacket off once he entered, one of the sales associates gasped. Soon, I could hear loud, excited chatter in Italian and I patted Jake on the shoulder as multiple people started heading in our direction. "This is all you. I'm going to find some jeans."


"Sorry," I said walking away as a rush of people flooded in front of him. "Jeans are calling for me to shove my butt in them."

Jake can't even complain. He loved it when people recognized him as much as I did. There is the case where our privacy of going places sometimes is broken. It's annoyed a lot of people I knew but I loved it too. I made sure to take a picture with any person who asked whenever I wasn't with my family or old friends. Behind me, Victor, Krystal, Angie, and Caleb followed as my eyes loomed the store. I passed by a rack of t-shirts and willed myself not to look over them.

I came here for one conquest. For one mission and those were not-

My eyes darted to a shelf of shorts. I suddenly felt hands on my shoulders. "Jeans, we're here for jeans. I'll be buying myself shorts, though." Krystal said, walking in the direction I wanted to go in.

"We're having a party soon. You're going to come, right?" I heard Victor ask Caleb.

"Um, sure," Caleb shrugged. Why not?"

"Do you go to parties Caleb?" Angie asked him right behind me. I glanced at them, Caleb had an arm slung over her shoulder but a part of me was convinced that he only did that action because he was trying to look at the set of fake glasses next to her as he fingered some of them, looking at the frames.

"I haven't been in a while. I've been busy." He said, taking his arm off her to look at the glasses with both hands now.

"When was the last time?" Victor asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know. A few months. I haven't been out lately. I've been channeling my focus into writing." 

"Maybe you can channel your focus into alcohol," Angie suggested.

"Alcohol drinking and partying are very different," Caleb told her.

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you drank?"

Caleb sheepishly grinned. "It's been a while."

"Caleb, we need to take you out." Angie declared.

"Take him out where? Are we going to party? Alcohol?" Krystal suddenly appeared, and I groaned out loud.

"No, no, no," I stopped my searching, almost glaring at Krystal. "You are not getting drunk for a very long time. I don't want to the play 'hold your hair up as you puke into the toilet' game anymore."

"I won't puke next time." Krystal groaned.

"You say that literally every single time," Angie said, crossing her arms.

"I am not the focus here. Caleb you are. We're going to get you so fucked. You must drink with us one day. There's a rave tonight downtown. If you want to come with, let me and Angie know."

"Italian people rave?" Victor asked.

"Italian people do a lot of things, honey," Krystal informed him.

Caleb looked at me. "You're not going?"

"Raves aren't Octavia's thing," Angie told him.

I fucking hated raves. I shrugged my shoulders, still trying to look around.

Everything Happens At 2:04 AMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora