Raindrops (an angel cried)

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(Hello the name of Patricks boyfriend is going to be Andrew however it is not Andy Hurley or anyone famous, that's all. Also, this is a short chapter.)

"Where are you going!?" I screamed. 

"I'm done!" Andrew screamed at me.  He threw the last of his shit in his car.

"Fine!" I screamed "Go!" He turned around to face me.

"I've been cheating on you for a year now!  Just thought you should know!" He yelled "Maybe you can fix your fucking self for the next poor guy you rope in!" He got in his car, and sped off down the road.  I felt the wind get knocked from my body.  I walked inside my house, shut the door, and fell to my knees in tears.  I covered my face with my hands. 

"Patrick" I looked up at my best friend Brendon, who'd witnessed it all.  He got down to his knees as well, and hugged me tightly as I cried.  "I'm so sorry" he said gently.

"No, it's okay" I sniffled "He wasn't a nice boyfriend"

"I know" Brendon said.  "You're better off without him"

"But, it still hurts" I whispered.  He nodded.  "I just wanna sleep"

"No, not a good idea" he said "Get up, we're going out"

"I don't wanna-"

"Patrick, you need to get happy, not sad.  Sleeping and crying won't fix you.  Nothing can fix you unless you try to be fixed" he said "Besides, I'm horny and I want dick" I laughed a little at my best friends idiocy.  "So get up, get dressed, and we'll go to my favorite spot"

"Dear god not Blazed" I mumbled.

"Yup, the best gay bar in town, Blazed" he smiled widely at me.

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