"Fai, long time no see." Kongpob says, pushing her away gently. He looks over at his senior, who is watching them with a blank face.

"What brings you here? Are you alone or is your family with you?"

"No, I'm here with my bo-"

"Hi, nice to meet you. I am Arthit, his senior from back in uni." Arthit interrupts, stepping in.

Fai greets him shyly. She tries to smile but she feels rather uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze.

"So ... you guys are here ... together? Just the two of you?" she inquires in a small voice that is mostly meant for Kong's ears to hear.

"We were just heading into town, we wanna check out the market."

"What a coincidence! Me, too! Then can I go with you? We can catch up on the way." she says, holding onto Kongpob's arm and urging him onwards. Arthit follows, a few steps behind, hands in the pockets of his shorts.

It's not a surprise to see the streets swarming with tourists and locals likewise, it's a Saturday afternoon after all. The market is busy, too, with sellers screaming their lungs out to attract buyers and clients trying to bargain for a cheaper price. The air is filled with all sorts of smells, one more appetizing than the other and Arthit feels his stomach grumble.

He keeps a small distance from the other two, even though Kong would prefer if he walked beside him instead. Fai gives Kongpob advice on what is worth buying, while Kong, being the gentleman that he is, offers to hold her shopping bags. The senior can't shake off the feeling he's third wheeling a newly wed couple.

"Have you been working out?" she asks, touching her friend's upper arm. "You look so much stronger."

"I do like to hit the gym whenever I have time. I want to stay fit."

"Oh, I get it. You want to look good for your girlfriend. Or, wait, your wife? Did you already tie the knot?"she inquires, pointing at the ring on his finger.

"Not yet married, but hopefully soon." he replies with a short laugh.

"She is such a lucky girl. If she were here with you now, I would tell her, though I'm sure she knows."

Kongpob opens his mouth to say something, but Arthit cuts him off again.

"I feel like eating some fresh fruit. What do you recommend, Nong Fai?"

"Oh, if it's fruit you want, I know the best place in this entire market."

She meanders through the people and the stalls with such confidence that Arthit is quite impressed, despite not being particularly fond of her. He has no idea how they reach the opposite side of the busy market in just a matter of seconds.

"Ai'Pete! Ai'Chai!" she yells at two guys who have their backs turned at them, busy unpacking some fruit.

"Hey, Fai. What's up?" one of the young men says.

When the other recognizes his friend, he puts down the crate he's been holding and wipes his dirty hands onto his apron a few times before he goes in for a hug.

"Kong, it's been so long since I last saw you. What a pleasant surprise. And look at you, you're as buff as me now, what happened?" he laughs.

"Chai, Pete, nice to see you, too."

"Guys, how about we all go out for dinner tonight, reminisce the good old times?" Fai suggests all of a sudden and Kong's childhood friends agree.

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