The first Month That they were here they managed to establish themselves as the leaders of the school. Everyone knew who Oliver Sykes and Jordan Fish were. And everyone knew not to disrespect them. The second Month they had their own little clique of people that would die for them, a few kids i used to know that i dint expect to fall under these two assholes reign but they had. By the Third month they had turned everyone in the entire school against one another. There were fights atleast twice a day. The entire student body seperated like water and oil. Their were the assholes and their followers and then there were kids like me who just wanted to study and go back to how it used to be. We were targeted alot. But i did something very stupid Towards the middle of sophmore year. I tried to stand up for myself. I tried to start a revolution like in all the movies but i stood alone which means i was singled out. I was Now The head target for Oliver Sykes and all his Minions.

Six months and they had managed to turn our school upside down. And the entire sixth month consisted of me being beat up, stuffed into lockers, locked in bathroom stalls and being pushed to the ground while others simply walked on like they were witnessing Oliver stomp out a bug. And thats how i felt, like a bug. Like i didnt belong and honestly I was ready to die. I went home And i would plan how i would do it. I would write and re-write my goodbye note to my parents. But above all i would smile. I would pretend that Oliver sykes and Jordan Fish Did Not Exist. I was happy as far as my parents know. But on the inside i was just waiting for friday. Friday, I would come to school and get the crap beat out of me over and over again until it was time to go home. I would Go Home and Leave my letter on my bed, sneak out of my window to the Jersey Bridge and Jump. I would Jump and it would be over.

But today was barely Monday meaning i had to endure an entire week of torture until i was free. The only reason I smiled lately was because i knew that come friday this would all be over. I would Jump and I would fall into the darkness of completely peace. Just thinking about it gave me hope, Kind of ironic isnt it? Death , the ultimate loss of hope, the last straw, the thing you do when you feel there is nothing left. That was the only thing giving me hope? Yeah i was pretty messed up. Last week our school got two more new students. The reaction ofcourse wasnt the same becuase our school wasnt the same. The only reason i knew about it is because the two new kids were atomatically grouped with Oli and Jordan. At their old school they were considered the rebels and so they fit in perfectly with Oli.

The Fuentes Brothers only made me more ready to die. They didnt do anything to me directly yet but just knowing they were on Olis side didnt exactly give me a warm feeling.

Come Friday Morning and I was Ready Until..

"Hey faggot" Someone called from behind me

I sighed but kept walking down the hall until someone grabbed me and pushed me up against the lockers. I stared into Jordans Cold eyes as he just smirked back

"I was fucking talking to ya mate, Ya gonna try and ignore me now?" he spat

"Please leave me alone" i said on the verge of tears. See the thing about Jordan is he never dealt with me directly, Oli always said that if he let Him Beat me up he would probably beat me to death.Jordan was crazy and althoug i wanted to die i wanted to die of my own hands not at the hands of a psycotic asshole.

"Ya Gonna Cry like a little bitch now are ya Perry?" he said in a sickly sweet tone

The anger inside me was slowly bulding up, mixed with fear i was thinking eradictly now i just wanted to get away so i did the stupidest thing ever, I spit in his face.

He dropped me while he attempted to wipe my spit out of his eye yelling complete profanities.

"Your Fucking Dead Perry" was all i heard before i was speeding through the halls. jordan was on my heels fueled by anger and hatred im sure if he caught me he would kill me. I managed to make it to the cafateria when my jacket was caught in the door handle i unzipped it and slid it off frantically not caring that everyone was now staring at my Bruised up arms. Olis work. I somehow got my jacket off and was going to speed up when Jordan Jumped on me sending us both falling to the ground, i panicked and started to kick, managing to turn over and i was almost up when he grabbed my leg and pulled me back to him. He punched me in the stomache and knocked the air from my lungs. Well this is it im going to die.

"I told you, your Fucking dead Mate" He said as he pulled his fist back. I didnt close my eyes, i was ready. Kill me now Jordan Fish and save me the pain of putting my own family through a suicide. But his hit never came. He was Pulled off of me and the entire Cafeteria Gasped. Who would be crazy enough to stand up to Jordan Fish For the likes of me?

As I stood Up I Know knew Why it was such a shock to everyone. There stood the two Fuentes Brothers Dragging Jordan Back.

"What the Fuck?!" Jordan roared

"What The fuck yourself, Why are you beating him up?" The Shorter one said, His Gaze falling on me.

"This little Wnaker Walked away from me when i was talking to him, he spit in my face and to top it all of he Ran from me" Jordan Said As he glared at Me. "So Let me Go Before I kill you two along with him"

"Is that true kid" The taller one asked

"No-I didnt .. But i did -but - he -i No he did" i said stuttering out of fear.

"Dont worry Kid , he's not gonna Hurt you" The tall one said Picking me up to my feet.

"Fuck Mike!" His brother screamed as Jordan Pulled out of his grasp and was Running at us. Mike didnt seem worried and I Soon Found out why. When Jordan was with in reach Mike Threw a punch, landing directly on Jordans Jaw. As Jordan Fell Mike Jumped onto him and I could see the fire in his eyes


When he stood up he looked around into the crowd. "And That Goes for Everyone in here. Tony Is An untouchable Now. Touch him and i will cut your hands off"

Everyone was Silent. And with that We walked  Out of the cafateria. That was The end of my torture. When Oli found out, He didnt do anything. He didnt even aknowledge me and for that i was Grateful.


But see That was Four years Ago. After that my life Revolved around Mike. My parents didnt worry about me Until they noticed my Grades Dropping. I would leave the house for days and Come back like it didnt even mattered. I dropped out of school along with Mike and Vic. Mike Convinced me to get Tattoos, he said It would Make me More badass so i did. and that was the last straw for my dad.

When i was 18 He left me and my mom. He said He couldnt handle being the father of a Piece of shit delinquent. It didnt bother me but two months later I found out my Mom was pregnant .

Even though i didnt Give A Fuck about anything, My mom was an exception along with my baby sister. I had to get my ass in Gear But who the Fuck would want to Hire A dropout who thought he ran the fucking world? No one thats who. So I went into the Fuentes family Business. Along with Me Came Jaime, and we Made our livings illegally, doing the only thing Tattooed up Highschool drop out would do.

So Now that your all caught up, lets take a look into my life. Its Going to be one hell of a ride so Put you fucking Seat belts on Mother Fuckers. You Only Live Once So Go Fucking Nuts.

Dare Me To Jump Off Of This Jersey Bridge. [PERRENTES]Where stories live. Discover now