Chapter 1

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{Tonys POV}

Ask me if I would ever Do something illegal  when I was 14, and I would look at you like you were Crazy, Push Up My Glasses, clutch my books to my chest and hurry away. I Would Steer Clear from anyone who would ask me something so outrageous.

But Now At The Mere Age of Twenty  ask me the same question.

Ofcourse I Wouldn't answer you, I Never have to answer to anyone. Mike Takes care of that.

Mike takes Care of everything in my life. It's kind of Mikes Fault I've become such a fuck up But Like I said, I don't care.


Let's start from The beginning. Freshman year. I was fifteen.

The only things that mattered to me were my Parents, My Grades,  And Myself. I didn't have time for friends but I was alright with that , Up Until sophomore year. That year We got two foreign students that moved from The U.K.

Oliver Sykes And Jordan Fish. Everyone was so excited including myself, but the arrival of those two was anything but wonderful. They turned everyone against each other. There wasn't any bullying at Claremont until Wing nut and Dingle Berry showed up.

They personally made my life a living hell and 6 months into their transfer here I was ready to Die, which I know makes me sound completely weak but I mean look at it this way, you have a Sixteen year old kid that's never done anything but study and go to church his entire life and then here come two tatted up Assholes who Turned Everything this boy had ever learned upside down. Would you be ready to give up?

Well I Had. Literally I had given up on my self.  It was Towards the middle of February when I had my Note to my parents written out. I had gone over my plan already and Come Friday this school would never hear from the Likes of Tony Perry Again.

But something Happened on Friday. Something that changed everything.

*Flash Back* *Beggining of Sophmore Year*

Today was a day of excitement. We were getting two new kids from England which is pretty cool. we never really get new kids. its always the same faces year after year. So it was pretty hectic when someone new arrived. Walking down the halls there was nothing but students scurrying around, banners and ballons being hung up and friends whispering about how excited they were. I was excited but I didnt have any friends here. It was strictly by choice not because i was picked on, i just felt like friends would be a distraction.

The bell cleared the halls effectively and everyone walked into their first period.

"Okay class as you all may know we are getting two new students from England, so i want you all on your best behaviour when they get here" she said

They should be here any second. But we wouldnt know because they had a diffrent frist period. So i dont know why she was lecturing us. First period seemed to drag on and when the bell rang i was the first to leave. As soon as I reached the end hall two boys were clearing the hall pretty quick. They were tall, one with brown messy locks and another with dark brown hair that seemed to be freshly cut. Both were heavily tattooed, although the one with the longish brown hair was definately the leader. No one said a word but everyone moved out of their way.

Those are definetly the new kids, because i have never seen them around before. As soon as they turned the corner the halls erupted with chatter. I overheard a few kids and inched closer to hear what all the commotion was. Apparently The new kids were not what everyone was expecting. they were actually the opposite, and that was the beggining of 6 months worth of hell.

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