Hunk came out carrying a large bowl of mulberry colored slime, interrupting the squabbling.

As everyone got ready to eat, Allura spoke up.

"So as you all know, we have the mission today." She said, dragging everyone's attention to her.

"Lance and Shiro, you two will be 'protectors'. Your job is to keep the princess safe-" she was cut off by a angry and sleepy Keith.

"I don't need to be protected." He stated in a cold voice.

Allura looked at him with displeasure.

Coran budded in from god knows where. "I believe you can number 4, though it's not just for protection, it's also how that population shows up to social events. As a group!"

Keith looked a bit less agitated, yet he was still not okay with this.

The white haired woman coughed to signal the focus back to herself.

"As I was saying; you two will need to stay by Keith at all time. That mean no running off the flirt with girls Lance." She stared.

Lances offended face shines in the background.

She continues. " All we need to do is go in. Get information. And leave.
It's a three day event, just so you know. The species of the planet were the party is held, are called Mioks. They are known for there brutal strength, so Keith, don't go picking a fight with one okay?"

"I cannot guarantee that, princess" Keith said honestly, though he did make it a mental reminder to back off a bit.

She groaned.

"Just try not to okay?" She asked, though it was really more of a statement.

She continued her monologue.

" A mix of all cultures will be there. Though it may look elegant on the outside; It's a known place for trafficking and other awful thing. That why it our job to take it down. Lucky for us, the people we are filling in for doesn't look too much different from us, they only have slight adaptation. Such as horns, antlers, or claws.
Also, Keith, I know it may be tough for you, but you need to act a bit more...feminine to blend in."

Keith slammed his head into the table, narrowly missing the food goo that was placed while Allura was talking.

"Well this will be fun." Pidge said sarcastically.

Keith just groaned.

After they finished eating, Allura went up to Keith.

"I need to get you ready for the ball, come along!" She said.

Keith grudgingly got up and followed Allura at the metallic doors, and down to her lively room.

She made a beeline to her closet doors.
It opened up into a whole other room.

"Oh this shall be fun!" She cheered.

Keith grumpy sucked up his ego and walked into the closet.

Allura skimmed through the endless layers of fabric that lined her walls.
Finally she found one she desired.

It was a mesmerizing crimson.

As she held it up , Keith got a better look.

It flowed to the floor like a cascading waterfall in the back, but the front was much shorter, almost as though it was a mini skirt.

It was an off the shoulder style, it seemed to layer in the short sleeves and continued to line the heart shaped from of the dress.

The last thing Keith notice, was the dazzling diamonds, beautifully placed only the fabric.

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