Author's Final Note

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Hello! If you're reding this that means you made it through this whole story. So, reader, did you like it? Did it make you cry? It actually made me tear up while writing it and that's never really happened to me before. But still, this was really fun to write. I actually wrote all of it before publishing it on here which is a first for me. I think that's the main reason I enjoy this story so much. I could take out parts I didn't like and add parts I felt were needed. The original version of this story (the one before all the editing) sucked balls. I'm glad I didn't publish as I went because if I did this story would be worse than it already is.

Also, fun fact, the idea for this story came to me in church! Which is ironic considering how unholy it is.

Thanks for reading! And if you liked this you should check out my other stories.

See you next story,


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