Chapter 3

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The rest of the week I sat with Evan. He was really nice and open about some things, but other subjects he would shy away from. Random ones, too. Like, I asked if he had any siblings. He said yes and then moved on to a completely different subject. It was obvious he was avoiding it. He also got a little flustered when I asked him if he was straight or not. I know it's not exactly something you just ask, but I had to know. I didn't want to get my hopes up. Besides, when have I ever been polite?

But, his answer was very vague (but defintely leaned more towards gay). He had said he didn't like labels and wasn't really looking at anyone in that way. Any straight guy would have made it obvious he was straight. At least all the straight guys I've ever talked to.

By Wednesday I had his phone number. He has a crappy little slide phone. I feel like it's going to break soon. I text him a lot. Sometimes he randomly stops for an hour then comes back with no explanation. I asked him where he went once and he just acted like he never left. This kid has got some secrets.

Today, Saturday, Evan is going to spend the night. He actually lives in the neighborhood next to mine so he said he's going to walk over. My mom doesn't actually know he's coming. But that's not me being mean, that's me being smart.

I never have people over so she would freak out. Last time I had a friend come over she acted like one of those cliche crazy white moms. It was so annoying. Plus, the guy I had over, Trey Morrison, kept looking at her like she was fucking jesus. That night I fucked him hard so he knew he could only look at me like that. In the morning he couldn't even look my mom in the eye.

I hope I don't have to do the same to Evan.

Wait a minute... Yes I do.

The doorbell rang. It's Evan. My mom isn't home from work so she can't answer the door and embarass me. I'm thankful for that.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

"Sup." I said, letting Evan in. He smiled, braces glinting, and stepped inside. He had a little drawstring bag with him. He took off his shoes and then stood there, awkwardly staring at me.

"Let's go upstairs." I said. We went upstairs and into my room. I sat down on my bed and Evan stood awkwardly by the door. He hasn't said a word since he got here.

"Stop being so shy. Come and sit next to me." I said. He was hesitant but he ended up dropping his bag and sitting next to me on my bed.

"Where's your mom?" He asked.

I said, "Work."

He looked down like he had made a mistake. Jesus this boy needs to calm down. He's so quiet and shy it's killing me.

"Okay. I can't stand how tense you are. Follow me." I said. I got up and led him back downstairs but into the kitchen. I looked in the cupboard for the bottle of vodka my mom never drinks. It's the weirdest thing, even after I drink this thing completely and she hasn't even touched it, if she sees it's empty she'll go buy another one. It's like she supports my drinking.

"I usually only drink when I'm sad but I'll make an exception for you," I pulled out the bottle and watched Evan's eyes grow larger, "I can tell from the look in your eyes you've never drunk before."

"N-no. I haven't."

"Well that's okay. You'll be safe to drink with me." I said with a smile. He started to shake his head but I glared at him.

"Don't be a pussy." I said. He pouted but I just turned around and grabbed him a glass. I didn't need one. I drink out the bottle. I'm hardcore, ya know? I poured him his drink and gave it to him. He looked at me before hesitantly sipping.

"Drink it all." I said in a forceful tone. He drank the whole thing and when he was done he looked like he was about to cry. I rolled my eyes and chugged the bottle until the taste didn't bother me. I gave him half a cup more and watched him drink it. When he was done I put the cup away but kept the bottle out. We went back up to my room and I brought the vodka with me. When we got up Evan was already getting kind of giggly. We sat back down on my bed and I set the vodka on my bedside table. It seemed to have been there a lot a couple years ago. Those were bad times.

"Why were you so admant on me drinking?" He asked.

"You were being all shy and stuff. I'm hoping this will make you come out of your shell." I answered. He looked up at me and he had this look in his eyes that made me want to pounce on him. I think I might by the end of the night.

"Have you ever thought about being with a guy?" I asked. He gave me a weird smile.

"Yeah." He said, smirking. This answer was not surprising at all. I happen to have a stellar gaydar. I also caught the multiple times Evan checked me out.

"When?" I asked.

"The summer before eigth grade," I knew he was going to continue so I didn't even bother asking him to, "It was with a guy in my grade. We just kinda messed around a little. Then he got really weird. When school started he, like, didn't talk to me at school very much and he treated me like scum. But outside of school he was the sweetest guy ever. Then he moved."

"What's the furthest you went with him?" I asked. Evan's cheeks immidiately reddened.

"He touched me once." It was funny how embarassed he sounded because what I'm about to do to him will make his past experiences seem insignificant.

Then, I pinned him down and fucked him harder than I did to Trey Morrison.

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