The Aftermath

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The next morning a curious jogger discovered the dead bodies of Derek Cade and Evan Thomas. They called 911 and the police and medics soon arrived. The bodies were soon identified and the parents were alerted. When Derek's mom went up to his room she found a letter labeled The Reason Why. She tore it open and as soon as she saw her son's handwriting she burst into tears.

She read the long letter and felt her heart break a little more with each word she read.

She then made her way to the police station to give them the letter. Before she could though a woman stopped her. She introduced herself as Evan Thomas' mother. Quickly Derek's mom handed her the letter to read. She watched the woman's eyes move back and forth and fill with tears. She handed it back to Ms. Cade and Ms. Cade walked to the front desk to find out who she should be giving the letter to.

The police officer took and brought it back to the back room for investigation.

Both the parents left after that, too. They went home and cried realizing that tomorrow they would need to start organizing funerals for their dead children.


Derek's funeral was private while Evan's wasn't. Practically the whole school showed up at Evan's. Only Derek's family came to his. Evan and Derek were buried in the same cemetery but on different sides.

The weather on the day Derek was buried was just like his personality: dark and gloomy. It rained as they lowered the coffin.

The weather on the day Evan was buried was just like his personality: sweet and sunny. But dark storm clouds blocked out the sun as they lowered the coffin.

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