Chapter 2

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School is kind of okay. The kids don't pick on me because they're afraid of me. I mean I filed my canine teeth so they looked more like fangs. They look pretty sweet, too. My mom didn't even notice.

I sort of have friends. I basically have them so I don't get lonely. They talk to me a lot and they're actually decent people but I can ignore them for long amounts of time without them getting their feelings hurt.

Teachers don't like me much. They say I don't live up to my potential. I'm actually really smart. But I'm not in any honors classes and I don't do any of the smarty pants extracurriculars. They also hate my attitude and the way I dress. Whenever they contact my mom about my behavior they always tack something on about how I could really be doing better things in school.

I'm always getting in trouble during class. All for random, stupid things. Like, talking or threatening other classmates with newly sharpened pencils. One time I stapled a kid in the back because he cut me in line to turn in our projects. I was in a pissy mood that day. After that, no one cut me ever again.

About half the girls at school are obsessed with me. They think I'm "tough" and "bad". You would think that they would think I'm a creep but for some reason it didn't end up like that. Instead they think I'm intensely hot which is actually really annoying because I don't like any of them. I don't like girls at all actually. They gross me out. But I always thought guys were pretty cute. Especially guys who look kinda like girls which is weird. So I guess it's just kinda the boobs and vaginas that repel me.

Now even though I think guys are cute, the guys at school are repulsive. Except one. His name is Evan. He's 14 and a freshman. Is that creepy of me to like him?

He's in my lunch period. He always sits by himself at the table behind me. When I first saw him I swear I thought I was seeing a fucking angel. I asked around about him and learned everything everyone knew about him.

Which was basically that he was a nerd with no friends.

Now me, being the loving, wonderful person I am decided that this was unacceptable and decided to befriend him. The next day I sat down right next to him and said hello. I smiled at him and watched his eyes flicker to my sharp ass teeth. He looked like he was going to cry he was so scared. He kinda made me feel bad.

So anyway, that was yesterday. Today I plan on staying the whole lunch period, because after he gave me that look I left.

When I finished buying my lunch I walked straight to his table. He was sitting there, his nose in a book, food untouched. I plopped down across from him and he looked up. He froze.

"Oh calm down, I'm not going to hurt you or anything." I said. He bent the page in his book and set it down.

"Anyway, I want to be your friend."

His immediate answer was, "Why?"

"Well, why not? You're adorable. I need you in my circle of friends." I said. He blushed and looked down. He furrowed his eyebrows and then looked back up.

"Do you really wanna be my friend or are you just using me? I don't feel like being tricked again. Stop wasting your time." Again? Wait, does that mean someone has used him before? How rude! I'll fuck that bitch up!

"Yes. I really wanna be your friend." I said. He smiled and relaxed.

"Well, okay then. My name is Evan Thomas."

"Hello Evan, I'm Derek."

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