Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

I spend my morning at the animal shelter and then I head off to school that was my normal plan. Though today I decided to go see one of my favorite people in town. I walked into the library and as alway in her books.

"Hey Belle." I say.

"Morning Emma. What do I owe this morning before school visit?" Belle asks.

"Well the other day a guy very popular ran into me. I didnt really acknowledge him and he hangs out with his buddies out front. So..." I say.

"Thats one thing I dont miss about high school. The jerks like that they just need to be scene." She says.

"Yeah I know. I know he wont remember, but I want to wait for rush hour when all students crowd at once. Also do you need anything after school?" I ask.

"Not today, but Rumple and I want some time away from the baby this weekend. Would you babysit one night over night?" She asks.

"Of course. Just tell me more later I have to go." I say.

I walked out and headed to school lucky for my that guy didnt notice. I know his name, but its better not to say. I made my way to my locker and watched all the cool kids past by. It was odd mainly cause I used to be close with one of them, but she became the queen of the school and a horrible person. I went into my class and got a front seat and placed my glasses on.

"What a freak." Someone says.

"She always does that." Another said.

"Yeah no friends right there." Some other person says.

"I heard she only hangs out with like older people." The first one said.

This was no lie. I do hang around people older then me by like 10 years or so. I mean Im 17 and my brother and most of the ones Im around are 27. It doesnt bother me one bit. Though as I read my book before class someone took it from me.

"What are you doing?" The guy asks.

"Reading. Now my book if you please?" I ask.

"No. You didnt even give me the time of day. Why should I give you your book?" He asks.

"Fine dont give it. I have plenty more where that came from." I say and pull out another book.

He took that one away too as if it would do something. I just ignored him and brought out another.

"Why do you have some many books?" He asks.

"Cause I enjoy reading. Can I have my stuff now?" I ask.

"Not until you fall under my spell." He says.

"Mr.Jones give Emma her books back right now and take your seat." Mr.Gold says.

He dropped all my books on my desk and walked to the back of the room.

"Thank you." I say.

"Dont worry about it." Gold says.

"Teacher's pet." That guy from earlier says.

"Leave her alone. Oh and Killian Jones you have detention." Gold says.

I looked back for a moment and noticed he was staring at me. I dont acknowledge him because he is Killian Jones this player. He thinks all girls fall for him and when one does I guess she because his target. Oh well at least after school I get to go help Snow in her class. Now that is a thing to acknowledge its way better then some annoying jerk that goes by the name Killian Jones.

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