Chapter 3

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Killian's POV

Something is just off with that Emma Swan she is just not right. She should be falling all over me like all the others do well all except one, but still she should love me. It didnt make any sense to me its not like I want to date her or anything, but she still should like me.

"I dont get it. Every girl falls for me. Why not this one? Not that she is good enough to be with me, but still. Shouldnt she love me?" I ask.

"Believe it or not Killian not ever girl likes you." Robin says.

"Well yeah the ones I dumped, but this one should." I say.

"Well she isnt like all the girls at this school. She is the one that spends time with an older crowd and volunteers alot. She is just a different type of girl then your used to." He says.

"Well I dont like it." I say.

"Well too bad. Maybe Regina can explain it better. Hey Regina my queen can you please explain to Killian why Emma Swan wont give him the time of day." Robin says.

"Well all I can say is that Emma must of heard about you and decided not to let you get to her." Regina says.

"So what your saying is that she might be hiding how much she wants me?" I question.

"Sure.... Thats it." She says.

"Thanks." I say and left them.

I walked through the halls wanting to find Emma to say I knew she liked me. It was odd though I couldnt find her. Then I went past a building at school I've never seen before... The Library is what it said at top. Emma's a reader might as well. When I entered I looked around a bit and then I saw her. I walked over to her and tapped on her shoulder and she seemed shocked.

"Are you seriously following me?" Emma asks.

"Yes cause I know you like me you just know my reputation. So now I wont bother you." I say.

"Okay... Though I dont like you and its not your rep that makes me not interested." She says as I walked off.

"Excuse me?" I question walking back over to her.

She didnt say anything she just walked past me and went over to the lady at the desk to get some stupid books. What the hell was that? Though the big question is why cant I let this go? Why has this one came into my head and wont leave? Stupid Swan and not liking me. This would be easier if she loved me like everyone else. Ugh that cute blonde now stuck in my head. Get out of my head you blonde beauty... Oh dear god what is wrong with me?

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