Chapter twenty five- don't fall on my face

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I heard my bedroom door close behind me and turned to see Fox regarding my room. His eyes came back to me as I started to speak.
"Can we get this over with? say what you have to say."  I spoke no really making eye contact.
"Daria, I..." he stopped and I watched him swallow. Silence spread between us.
"What? seriously, that's not all you came to say but if it was and your done-" I went to move towards the door but he stepped between us.
"Mindy told me about the last night, about you." he said watching me closely. I fought back the flinch at her name.
"Yeah she told me about you too" I snapped sarcastically, "What's your point?"
"Who's that man? why was he speaking up for you?" he asked courtly and my eyes widened in disbelief.
"Are you joking?" I snapped folding my arms across my chest. "He's none of your business." he face hardened as he took a step toward me.
"Tell me... just tell me he hasn't touched you..." he spoke between tight lips. I gasped in outrage.
"I don't owe you anything. Fuck you, what makes you think you can come back here when I've finally moved on with my life and-" my hands were thrown out to the sides indicating everything around me when he flew forward, backing me into the wall behind me. He glued his body to mine, caging me in. My body melted against him while my head scream to shove him away.
"Don't." he whispered at my ear, "Don't tell me you've moved on. Don't tell me because I didn't pull my finger out and step up that I have lost you. I know I fucked up," he head lifted and he planted his forehead against mine, his lips not a breath from my lips,"I know I fucked around letting you leave, trying to prove that you weren't having the effect on me everyone knew you were. But, I promise, the minute you got on that bike to leave I knew I had messed up. It just took me too long to do something about it but I'm doing that now." he spoke against my lips and while his words eased my heart I had to know one thing.
"Did you touch her?" I whispered and felt him freeze, his eyes opening to look at me. "Mindy, did you go near her after I left?" I pressed further and watched him watch me.
"Daria..." he whispered brokenly but that was all I needed to hear. I shoved him back away from me feeling the stark pain shoot through me, causing tears to fill my eyes. I bolted for the door but didn't make it.
"Ria-" he started, his hand wrapped firmly around my forearm, spinning me back into him. I used that momentum to throw my body at him, slamming him into the wall.
"Fuck you! have her!" I screamed right in his face before turning to escape. Again, I didn't make it. I found myself get picked up and thrown onto the bed where Fox came down on top of me. He pinned my legs with his and I was so far gone, lost in my head and the imagines mocking me that I reached for escape the only way I could think of; I engaged my nails. I caught the side of his face and drew blood before he could stop me. It didn't take him long to detain me and it was only when I was detain that I registered my screaming and his attempt to sooth me over and over again, "shhh, stop baby. please."
Slowly I felt my body begin to stop trashing, to become still under him, exhausted. He didn't let up on his hold of me.
"Get off me and leave. I don't want you." I practically whispered looking to the side. His hand passed one of my hands off to the other so that both my hands were held in one before he gently tilted my head to his so he had my eyes.
"Well I want you. All of you, everything you have to give and I won't leave here without you. She was, is nothing. She was a shit attempt to distract myself and I regret even looking at her but Babe, I promise you Mindy was the only one. I was just trying to forget you." he voice was like butter, golden and melty but his words stabbed me straight in the heart. I felt my eyes water and couldn't begin to muster up the strength to hide it.
"Please don't say her name in my bed." I choked out and watched as  devastation overtook his face. His forehead dropped to mine and his eyes squeezed closed.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. So fucking sorry but she's gone." his whispered desperately.
"And you can have what you were trying for, baby. You can forget about me, Fox, because-" I whispered but didn't get to finish before fury rose in his opened eyes once again.
"No way. You don't call me baby when you're angry and you never call me Fox. I'm Fiachra to you, only you." he growled harshly.
"Whatever, Fox-" I went for petty but it backfired very quick. His occupied hand dropped to the other side of my face to hold it steady.
"I don't want to ever forget, Little bird but it seems you need reminding." he rumbled out before dropping his lips to mine. This time he was ready for my fight and he took it all. My legs kicking, my hand shoving at his chest and his face to no avail, my teeth biting and drawing blood. He took it all and kept kissing me, until I grew too tired to fight him and instead lay beneath him tasting his tongue, his blood and my tears. He slowed the kisses down, making them more intimate and I felt my body buck with a sob as everything I felt for him overloaded me.
"We're going to live this life to the full baby, don't let us lose this. Please come home with me." he whispered against my lips before moving down my neck, pushing my top out of his way to get to my breasts. My back arched from the bed as he closed his mouth over the tip.
"We're beauty, baby. A beauty I forgot existed, A beauty I forgot I said I'd protect with my life when I found it. I won't make that mistake again." he spoke against my stomach as his fingers unzipped my jeans. I slammed my eyes closed fighting to hold onto the opinion that he was too little too late.
"Fox." I gasped out when his fingers slipped into my panties, my head arching back into the pillow, grinding my hips into his working fingers. Suddenly his other hand wrapped around my neck, righting my head, demanding my attention. I blinked up into his face.
"Fiachra" he demanded working his fingers faster and deeper. I couldn't fight back the moan that travelled up my throat but I'd be damned if I'd give him what he wanted that easy.
"Fox." I said back staring right into his eyes before I lost them because he came completely off me. Ripping my jeans off me, he threw them behind him before disappearing between my legs. My head shot back at the blissfullness of it, shallow pants escaping my open lips.
"Fiachra" he growled against me and I was right on the edge, feeling myself quivering with tension.
He stopped, rising up over me, his hand cupped me between my legs causing my body to jolt as a moan slipped from my lips. His face came right to mine.
"You want me to finish, you call me Fiachra. That'll be it babe, this'll be done. What happened happened, and were moving on with you walking out of here with me. You call me Fox and Ill finish you off but you'll never see me again. Right now your choice, are we living this life, little bird?" he asked his voice steady, eyes serious. I felt my heart hammering and it had nothing to do with the activities we had just been doing. It had to do with the thought of never seeing him again because I knew without a doubt he would make it so that I never saw him again.
"Fiachra." I breathed out watching the relief hit his face before his kissed me, bruising my lips with his before he moved down my body and finished me off.
We lay in my bed for what could have been ten minutes or could have been two hours before we started to move.
"Fiachra?" I called as I stood from the bed fully clothed. He looked my way raising his eye brows. "Why would you know Grace? What did Enzo mean?" he stared back at me, the wheels spinning in his head.
"Her mother was best friends with mine years ago. So long ago. Her mother was my family, Ria. She belonged to me since I was born. She was my Aunt, even if she was never blood related. I lost a part of me when I lost her and seeing her daughter, knowing she has no clue about us and knowing what it'll do to me and the club having her there without her having the first clue... torture. That's what Enzo meant." he eventually confided and I felt shock cripple my system as I connected all the stories I had heard about the Savage MC and the stories I had heard about the lady I had only known as Aine.
It clicked into place like a jigsaw.

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