Chapter twenty three- I guess we are who we are

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"Look it's business either way, Smiles. If we half the first shipment-" I spoke leaning into my arms on the table. Empty beer bottles sat in front of us, it had been a long night of business discussions. One of the women had dropped us both down a fresh one not too long ago.
"Yes, I know we'll double what were making within a few months but that's if this doesn't go south. We need to be smart about this. Is it worth the risk? Do we need another connection to the club?" Smiles interrupted.
"When are we not smart? Diaz is in this for the-" I started to reply but both smiles and my head whipped around at the sound of the main door opening, an angry Zip following a slightly stumbling Mindy.
"Cop your shit on, Mind. You don't drop whatever is in your head and you'll end up-" Zip was snapping as they came closer. Mindy quickened her pace, glancing over her shoulder at Zip. She came to a stop beside our table.
"What's going on?" I asked looking briefly at the clock to see it was close to four in the morning.
"Saw your girl tonight, I have to admit she cleans up nice." Mindy smirked at me and I felt my body tense in response to her snarky words.
"Jesus Christ." Zip growled out, throwing his hands up before letting them fall and hit his sides. He shook his head at me.
"What?" I frowned at her, already over her presence. Her smirk spread further.
"Why, Daria. Who else? We were in the club tonight and I was just dancing with the girls, having fun when suddenly they were all beside me, small dresses, high heels. They looked good to be fair to them, their men thought so too, jumping in wrapping their arms around the girls all protective when all we were doing was having a chat." Mindy shrugged her shoulders attempting to look cute. "You know how girls like to talk, girl to girl." My teeth ground together. she head swung Smiles way and she focused on him.
"Oh and Smiles, just saying that Ora or whatever her name was girl, is a cutie when she's drunk. She's cute when she's angry, I can see what drew you in but when she's all bubbly happy, it's kind of adorable. I'm not the only one that thought so either, she was stumbling left and right all night and each way she went there was a man there to wrap his arm around her to stabilise her. You dodged a bullet, she seems like a handful. Even still, cute little thing doesn't know her appeal at all. she spent half the night giggling at one man then stumbling onto the next. I imagine a drunk night with her is fun." she winked like the news was fantastic. I felt Smiles become extremely still beside me.
"You seriously need to shut the fuck up." Zip spoke low but his warning was clear. Mindy glanced over her shoulder at him.
"What? I care about Fox and Smiles. Fox, you need to know!" she looked back at me. "She's moved on, her man is hot actually, I would definitely go there any day but that's not why I came-" she said. Slowly I rose to my feet, turning to face her.
"Maybe you should get to your point, Mind because you're pissing me way the hell off." I interrupted her words and watched her frown drunkly at me.
"Isn't it obvious? She doesn't give a shit. You don't need to anymore!" she called loudly as if she had the answer to all and we were fools for having not realised it. However, at her words I felt myself freeze.
"Fucking deluded." Zip snarled under his breath, a look of disgust on his face as he watched Mindy.
"Get her out of here, Zip. She's not welcome back. Hear that Mindy and hear it good, none of us see your face again." I growled pointing a finger at her, watching her face blanch.
"Are you joking? I'm helping you! Her brother is never going to let her go, judging by the way her man stood behind her, she doesn't want to be let go!" she yelled as Zip grabbed her arm and started marching her away from us. I felt my blood begin to boil at the mention of "her man".
"Fuck you, Fox! You're a fool. You came right back to me after you sent her away. Fuck-" her screaming was cut off by the door slamming shut and although I could still hear her, it was muffled. Slowly I lowered myself back into my chair, my mind racing over the imformation I had just been given. I felt my muscles spasm due to the tense state my body was in.
"Fuck me. Stupid bitch." Smiles spat out before shoving away from the table. A second later his  half full beer bottle crashed against the far wall. "Bullshit. Fuck this!"
I didn't speak, I wasn't sure my voice would hold strong if I tried. The door opened once again, showing a very angry Zip storming in.
"Fuck, Pres. I'm sorry I didn't know what she was at. She hopped out of the taxi all happy, saying she was going to you, that wasn't weird so I didn't think anything of it until I saw the twins faces and realised the bitch had to be up to something because the other girls looked uncomfortable as shit. She's gone, brother, and I've already spread word about her to the other men. They will all be in the know within half an hour." he came to a stand still beside me. Slowly I raised my head, my decision made as my mind cleared of everything.
"Round up the men, we're leaving the minute they're all here. They have two days before we leave without them and anyone missing answers to me. make sure it is known I won't be fucking happy if anyone doesn't make it. We're going to need all the muscle we have." I spoke and watched Zip frown back at me but I was done, rising from my seat once again I made my way towards my bike, needing the open air.
"For what, Pres?" Zip called after me but I didn't turn or stop my departure.
"I'm getting her back." I called back, not bothering to see his reaction.

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