Chapter eighteen- it's me, my honesty's brutal

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I woke with Foxs arm wrapped tight around me, his front glued to my back, face tucked into my neck. The sun streamed in at the bottom of the window where the curtain didn't quite reach the windowsill. The light shone in on the clothes that lay abandoned on the floor and bizarrely I thought to myself that I'd have to clean the room soon. Just as quickly Mindys works came to me from last night and it registered with me that it wasn't my place to clean this room. A sinking feeling of fear started to settle in as I thought about how much I wanted it to be my place. I looked at the walls thinking about getting the chance to decorate them with pictures, taking in the desk and imagining it covered with my make up. Wild thoughts, thoughts I shouldn't be having but such beautiful thoughts I wished they'd come true. A sigh left my lips before I could stop it.
“Where'd you go during the night?” his sleepy words was muffled by my hair. I came out of my thoughts tilting my head slightly his way.
“I needed a drink.” I whispered back, absently running my hand down his arm and curling my fingers around his that were tucked between my ribs and the mattress. His arm tightened further.
“You were gone a while.” He mumbled back. I blinked.  I hadn't realised he had been awake when I left the room last night.
“Miss me that much?” I joked but was thrilled by the question. I felt him lift up before using his arm at my stomach to role me to my back. He settled his weight into my side, his hand coming up to frame my face. Slowly he ran his thumb along my bottom lip, his eyes trailing the movement. I watched his eyes as he did so.
“Prettiest smile I've ever seen.” He whispered causing my breath to catch in my throat. His finger moved up to touch my eyelid which I let flutter close due to his movement. “coupled with these eyes... beauty so stark it would bring a man to his knees.” He continued, my heart beginning to thump in my chest.
“Fiachra...” I whispered and his eyes one again dropped to my lips.
“Prettiest smile.” He repeated. Lifting my head I kissed him. It was slow and sweet, building slow into more. In those moment I felt it, I felt like he was mine and I was his. That feeling, it was everything. Wrapping mt arms tight around his neck i brought him as close to me as I could, thinking that if this was all I had then I was going to enjoy it while I had it.
“Bring me somewhere.” I whispered against his lips.
“Where?” he said back and I shrugged.
“Anywhere. Just spend today with me. You and I, we can just go somewhere and be together for the day?" I whispered feeling vulnerable as he looked into my eyes. Leaning forward he kissed me again.
"Later." he mumbled against my lips before deepening the kiss, his hands beginning to roam.
Later sounded just fine to me.

“Your favourite food?” I asked staring at the sky above me. The sun kept true, shining bright in a blue cloudless sky. We were parked up beside a lake that was off the main road by a few miles. Trees surrounded its beauty hiding it from the outside world.
“I don't have one.” He said from beside me where he was lying on his side, head in hand looking at me. I looked at him.
“Lies. Complete lies. Everyone has at least one thing they crave every now and again. Come on, I will tell you mine?” I smiled and he shook his head amused. “Mine's cream eggs. I dont know why but I think when I was little one year I got a cream egg for Easter and since then, randomly, I would crave a cream egg. And one is never enough, they're too small , so you have to get at least two to feel satisfied.” I said watching his lip twitch as he shook his head at me again.
“Peanut butter.” He told me and I laughed.
“Peanut butter? By itself?” I giggled and he smiled.
"At times, yeah. Or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I've a weakness for Reeces pieces as well. I'll do almost anything for them.” he smirked and winked.
“Good to know.” I laughed and watched his eyes warm.
“Tell me one adventure you want to do?” he asked and I looked back towards the sky as I thought about it.
“Skii. I've always wanted to skii. Growing up, we didn't really leave our own land. We kept to ourselves and any holidays taken were to places close enough to home, the family was comfortable you know? But I've always said when I grew up I'd learn to skii, see the sunset from the top of a mountain.” I glanced his way. “Same question?” I asked and watched him look away from me. He cleared his throat.
“Go back to Ireland. I haven't been since I was young, too young to know the place and... yeah, I want to step off that plane into the rain someday.” He continued to stare off, a troubled look on his face and I couldnt help but think about his family and what him wanting to go to Ireland meant.
“I've never met anyone like you,” he looked my way surprised, “You give but only enough to cause someone not to question further, even though they might be wondering. And even still, you answers aren't really answers.” I said and watched him frown.
“How so?” he asked.
“While you talk about wanting to go to Ireland your expressions say otherwise. It's not that you want to see the country but it's almost as if you want it to prove something to you. You don't seem happy about the idea of Ireland, it's almost as if you approach it with the idea that you need to see it to justify something in you. The question is what and will you share whatever it is with me?” I kept my eyes on him watching his reaction.
“You're a lot smarter than I give you credit for.” He eventually replied and I smiled.
“See? That isn't an answer but it's all I'm going to get right?” I asked and watched him raise an eyebrow at me, no verbal response given to me. “That's ok, someday you'll want to share with me.” I smiled at him before looking back at the sky. A girl could hope anyways.
“Have you always wanted to be president of the club?” I asked and watched him move to sitting, resting his wrist on his bent knee.
“Not really, I dont know. I knew I'd always be in the brotherhood but whether I would go that high I didn't think too much about but circumstances put me in the position and I didn't have much of a choice but to take it or let my brothers down.” He replied and I nodded.
“I remember hearing things about your club. Nothing specific, you've always kept your business to yourselves like most clubs. But I remember hearing you almost fell apart entirely, for a few years there no ome even knew you were still around. Then you brought them back within a few months.” I commented.
“You'd be surprised what could tear you're family apart so quickly, Ria. Happens right under you nose, sweeps the feet right out from under you. One second you're at a barbeque smiling and the next... you don't really know where you are, where anyome is. And even when everything gets back on track it's never the same. We always remember.” He spoke softly.
“Someday.” I replied and he glanced at me.
“What?” he asked.
“Someday, Fiachra, you learned to trust me and someday you'll share with me, about your barbeques and your life and I'll know more about you than your real name being Fiachra or that you have a killer sweet tooth when it comes to peanut butter cups. I can see it.” I watched the blue sky as  I spoke feeling his eyes watch me. He did it for a while but what he didn't do was reply.

We got back late, parking up and strolling slowly side by side towards the front door. We were nearly there when it slammed open, Zip and Greta came tumbling out.
"Theyre coming!” Greta screamed, rushing me excitedly as Zip appeared stressed.
“Pres, I tried calling you, several times. We got word, they have the-“ he didn't get to finish his sentence as his words were drowned out by the sounds of bikes putting gravel flying as they came to a halt in the grounds of the compound. Maybe twenty, fifteen at the very least, swarmed into the dirt in front of the compound. I gasped in shock, recognising each and every face; my brothers at the forefront.
“Fiachra?” I whispered panicked but he didn't acknowledge me, he simply walked slowly forward, his men at his side, standing tall in front of my club. Silence descended as the bikes engines were cut. Gretas hand squeezed mine but I didn't really feel it.
“Debts paid.” My brother called, throwing a black gear bag into the middle of no mans land between the two clubs. “I'm bringing my girls home.”
Holy shit.

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